E-Government Curriculum for Public Sector Employees Peter Parycek A ustrian Federal Chancellery / Division of ICT-Strategy A-1014 Vienna, Ballhausplatz
Agenda Motivation Communication dimensions Target Groups & Curricula Aims & Tasks of the Clearing Office
Motivation Delivery of Services, and …?!?! Different levels of knowledge Different e-government strategy elements -> Communication/Curriculum Concept: Topics to be addressed Target groups identification
Communication dimensions
What is it about … Information providing Marketing Curriculum Logos … E-Government Communication
Dimensions G2G –Political functionaries –Politicians –Executive employees – mid level management –E-government office workers –Regular office workers –Inhouse trainers –Developers –Project managers G2C G2B G2NGOs
Communication: dimensions
Multidimensional Content structure based on special subject area, administrative level and individual level of education Quality assurance measures for training content, trainers and providers Possible business cases Basic infrastructural needs and a list of measures
Main message innovative independent of time & location efficient simple reflect citizens' needs flexible economical service-oriented informative speedy uniform ‘system’ transparency modern / future-oriented …
Strategy & Information Strategy –Avoid duplication –Enhance efficiency –Allow transparency Information –Administration –Citizen –Business
Target Groups & Curricula
Curriculum: Target groups
Target groups Authorities Federal ProvincialLocal Days Politicians Federal government MP's Other politicians Provincial GOVT Councillors Other politicians Mayors Councillors Other politicians ½ Executives Heads of ministries Heads of departments Heads of sections Heads of decentralised agencies District governors Heads of dept.s IT coordinators … Directors of municipal authorities Heads of dept.s Heads of municipal offices … ½-1 Employees Officials 1 E-gov project managers regardless of their administrative level and specific function6-12
Common content Vision & strategies Administrative reform (NPM & e-gov) Citizen-card function (electronic signature) E-procedure (application, processing, delivery) E-Registers (Central Reg. of Residents, Building and Homes Register...) Web portals Specific contents Provinces Vision & strategies for the provinces Administrative reform in the provinces E-government applications of the province … Municipalities Strategy of the province for municipalities Applications for municipalities …
Into detail... Politicians Duration: approx. half-day training Aim: creation of awareness Contents –Social changes –Technological trends –Basic principles of e-government (modern administration) –Potentials of e-administration –Case studies (local, national & international) –Concrete examples of immediate use to politicians
Into detail... Top-level management Duration: up to one day Aim: Knowledge of basic principles & potentials in connection with administrative modernisation Contents –Fundamental terms of e-government –Factors for success of e-government projects –Citizen-card concept at a glance –Online procedures Practice Tutorial –Case studies from public administration & economy –Brief examples from their own field
Into detail... Officials Duration: one day Aims –Ability to respond to elementary questions –Realising e-government advantages for the official’s own area Contents –Fundamental terms of e-government –Citizen card concept at a glance –Online procedures (with a case study) Practice Tutorial –Introduction to & –Activating the signature-card/ eCard (also called citizen-card) –Signing s by activated eCard –Signing online-applications by activated eCard
Into detail... Projekt managers Duration: 6-12 days Aims –Fundamental technical knowledge, linked with management competence and social skills Ability to operate E-government projects in their respective organisation Contents –6 days: public management & e-government –6 days: project-, process- & change-management
Aims & Tasks of the Clearing Office
Clearing Office: Aims 2006 General aims, for all administrative levels –Establishment of the Clearing Office / Coordinating Office –Detailed core curriculum (integral part of all courses) –Initiation of the specialised trainings Federal level –Development & realisation of programs for the specific target groups Regional & local levels –Coordinating & Supporting the establishment of courses
Clearing Office: Tasks 2006 Investigation of existing e-government courses to avoid redundancy Designing detailed curricula, presentations, lecture notes & supporting documents for the different target groups Constantly providing information to the different levels (incl. the project’s vision, aims & organisational conditions) Coordinating all the different activities & instructing the persons in charge of the training in the provinces Pilot lessons, which will be evaluated Public relation activities & marketing strategies accompanying the project
Clearing Office: Tasks 2006 Organisational tasks –Coordinating the range of courses –Supporting the Federal Ministries, provinces & municipalities –Managing the lecturers –PR & marketing activities Tasks regarding content –Concept of detailed matters –Composition of the training manuals
Clearing Office: Tasks 2007 Organisational tasks –E-learning: invitation to tender Tasks regarding content –Composition of the e-learning contents –Evaluation & adaptation of training contents –Developing Curriculum: E-Government Developer/Engineer Quality assurance by certification –Specification of the core contents –Specification of the examination (content & procedure) –Certification of the organisers (specifications & agreement) –Certification of the trainers (trainer profile & courses)
Thank you for your attention! Peter Parycek A ustrian Federal Chancellery / Division of ICT-Strategy A-1014 Vienna, Ballhausplatz