An Introduction to Cyber Dr Mark Hawksworth Technology Practice Group Leader
Who carries out “Cyber Crime” Why have Cyber incidents become so prevalent Social Engineering Case Studies for some common Cyber incidents Recent high profile Cyber incidents
Who carries out Cyber Crime? Skilled individuals Organised Crime Corporate Espionage Insider threats Hacktivists State sponsored attacks
The nature of the risk has changed from individuals seeking notoriety / kudos to criminals presenting a targeted advanced persistent threat Network infrastructures can contain thousands of applications, delivering different functions, including interaction with external systems
Why is Cyber profiling now? The Onion Ring “TOR” Digital currency Web pages selling illegal goods / data
The Onion Ring Gives anonymity on-line Actual address is masked using relays Can be used to set up anonymous accounts No source if unsecured domestic WiFi is used
Wardriving Wardriving is the act of searching for open Wi-Fi wireless networks by a person in a moving vehicle, using a portable computer, smartphone or personal digital assistant (PDA).
Digital Currency Decentralised Transactions held in a public register Interchangeable with tangible currency Bitcoin value $1 in 2010 to $100 in 2013
Social Engineering – “Hacking the Human” Hackers toolkits use different methods Applications, Adverts and Malware Passwords
Case Studies Crypto Viruses Virtualisation Denial of Service Attack Network Breach
Denial of Access Botnets can be hired out There is no physical damage to the target Substantial BI impact for on-line traders 100 Gb per second
Keylogger Breach USB Amazon £40 No administration rights required Key strokes saved in flash memory User name and password can be read