Industrial World Leader -by 1880, U.S. is world’s leading producer of goods -reasons why???? 1. unlimited labor force 2. abundant coal supply 3. iron mining 4. discovery of oil in US– Edwin Drake – Oil Drill (use of steam engine by Robert Fulton) 5. railroad development
Public Support -alaissez-faire government policies - Market place should not be regulated by the goverment -unlimited immigration supplied labor -**high tariffs protected American business – main allocation of federal money -public financing of railrods
Entrepreneurs and Innovations -late 1800’s saw an explosion of innovation and invention -telephone – Alexander Graham Bell -light bulb – Thomas Edison -electric power -Nikola Tesla— AC Power -Bessemer Process – quick, easy way of making steel -typewriter – Christopher Sholes
Entrepreneurs and Innovations -photography -phonograph (record player) -motion pictures -radio—Nikola Tesla -retail stores -canned foods
Entrepreneurs and Innovations -John D. Rockefeller – Standard Oil Company -Andrew Carnegie - Steel -J.P. Morgan - insurance -Cornelius Vanderbilt - railroads -Dupont Family - guns -James B. Duke - Tobacco -George Westinghouse – made electricity easier and safer to control Robber Barons – weathly businessmen that exploit workers
Railroads lead the Way -”iron horse” – nickname for trains by George Pullman who create “Pullman Cars” for better transportation -Leading consumer of goods -better transportation leads to growth -transcontinental, standardization of time (time zones) created to improve trains travel. Base time based on rise and fall of sun.
Railroads lead the Way -”iron horse” -Leading consumer of goods -better transportation leads to growth -transcontinental, standardization of time
Railroad Prosperity -growth of urban areas -Development of Company Towns Pullman, Illinois makes RR cars -railroad scandals Credit Mobilier – company created by Union Pacific RR. Essentially hired themselves and paid by government gov’t land grants
Grange and the Railroads -Railroad abuses -Granger Laws – establish maximum freight and passenger rates and prohibit discrimination -Supreme Court rulings – Wabash v. Illinois – limited states rights to control interstate trade -Interstate Commerce Act, 1887 attempt to regulate business