MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES (8) Linguistic Logical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Musical Visual/Spatial Naturalistic Kinesthetic
Linguistic Linguistic (Word Smart) The “Word Smart” people enjoy conversing with others. They possess a unique ability to communicate freely and with ease. Writing assignments in paragraph form are not challenging. They also have an ability to see connections within words and word order. Learning strategies for “Word Smart” people include reading out loud or summarizing their new knowledge in written or spoken text. Incorporating new vocabulary in daily conversations help to summit them to memory.
Logical Logical (Number Smart)Characteristics Enjoys problem-solving In charge of budget Enjoys Sudoku Able to find patterns Like to solve puzzles. Learning Strategy Make flow charts Create diagrams. List key points in numbered sequences Create timeline to represent sequence. Bulleted lists
Interpersonal Interpersonal (People Smart)Characteristics Able to communicate well & get along with others. Makes others feel comfortable, can easily read other peoples feelings. Learning Strategy Teach what you are learning to someone else. Compare notes with classmate. Observe how they take notes and learn. Find a study buddy and review in free time.
Intrapersonal Intrapersonal (Myself Smart) September 16, 2009 I learned that today I am “intrapersonal”. Basically it means that I like to work alone so I can analyze and comprehend what I am learning in school. I also like working in quiet spaces. Sweet - I never knew there was actually a term for how I like to study!
MUSICALMUSICALMUSICALMUSICAL For those of you who like to sing and dance Here is your opportunity, your chance! To create a poem or a rhyme To display your knowledge in due time. You will surely demonstrate a firm stance! akes raps, songs and jingles nderstands and uses rhythm ings often nsists on having background noise an remember info through poem, mnemonic, acronyms bility to focus while tapping istens to music whenever possible
Visual / Spatial Visual / Spatial (Picture Smart)
Naturalistic Naturalistic (Nature Smart) Who?What?How? Enjoy being outside Concerned about the environment Enjoys natural setting and creating that inside Most likely to have pets Likely to have “collections” Likes to classify information Makes observations and easily notices patterns Notice changes in their surroundings Categorize new vocabulary words Create new categories to rearrange information Sit near window in class
Kinesthetic Kinesthetic (Body Smart)Characteristics Learning Strategy Move well, dance, run, or build something. Likes to play sports Study while exercising Charades Post-It Notes Use stress ball Finger/Toe Tapping TPR, acting it out