5. delavnica AVN (algoritmi po vzorih iz narave) Ljubljana, 20. april 2006
EuroGP & EvoCOP & EvoWorkshops april 2006 Budimpešta Gregor Papa Institut “Jožef Stefan”
Vsebina konference EuroGP2006 9th European Conference on Genetic Programming EvoCOP2006 6th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization EvoWorkshops2006: EvoBIO 4th European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation and Machine Learning in Bioinformatics EvoCOMNET 3rd European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Communication, Networks and Connected Systems EvoHOT 3rd European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Hardware Optimisation EvoIASP 8th European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis and Signal Processing EvoMUSART 4th European Workshop on Evolutionary Music and Art EvoSTOC 3rd European Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithms in Stochastic and Dynamic Environments EvoInteraction 1st European Workshop on Interactive Evolution and Humanized Computational Intelligence EvoPhD 1st European Graduate Student Workshop on Evolutionary Computation
Program tridnevni program vzporedne sekcije 120 referatov in 24 posterjev dve plenarni predavanji
Solving Sudoku with the GAuGE System
različnih mrež
EvoMUSART video
EvoMUSART sound ItDidntHappenAtLanFranchis.mp3 CTRNN-OB-SL-Budatrack4.mp3