Inspiring MeKtropolis: Lomography Susan Jones
MeKtropolis We’ve seen where the Sprytes live, what about the MeKs? Main MeK city Industrial By the sea What does it look like? Gathering inspiration…
Lomography Photography technique developed as a response to over arty and stylistic photographic approaches Name and initial approach based on a small Russian camera Multiple frames of same photo Flexible, quick, unstructured photography Nearly lost, but rediscovered by a group of students Now very popular approach to photography
“Doing” Lomography Meant to be fun Freedom - photo anything you want, anytime, anywhere Aims to capture everyday experience Personal and free form of photography Ideally suited to the digital age
The Golden Rules of Lomo 1. Take your camera everywhere you go. 2. Use it anytime - day and night. 3. Lomography is not an interference with your life but a part of it. 4. Get as close as possible to the objects of you lomographic desire 5. Don't think! 6. Be fast! 7. You don't have to know beforehand what is on your film, nor afterwards… You will figure it out eventually! 8. Try the shot from the hip, or from the ground 9. Ignore the rules!
Lomo Examples
Lomo used in desi g n
Inspiring your designs Your aim: To find inspiration to help you design MeKtropolis In small groups Quick brainstorm about what MeKtropolis might be like Take the camera Design Walkabout Photo anything and everything you see that might be useful
Design Walkabout Use your camera to gain some ideas
Printing the Photos
Using the photos Creating a landscape / cityscape What do you want to keep? What do you want to discard Creating a background Use the photos Annotate the designs Create drawings to be modelled
Whilst we’re waiting for the photos to print… Designing the MeKs