Oklahoma City to South Texas Passenger Rail Corridor SCORT Presentation March 2010
2 Texas Rail Plan Final Texas Rail Plan (TRP) approved by Texas Transportation Commission November 18, 2010 Submitted to FRA January 2010 Establishes Short-Term and Long-Term Program Short-Term o Statewide ridership o Prioritization of corridors Long-Term o Further development of the corridors Received $5.6 million in planning grants to study the Oklahoma City to South Texas Corridor for SDP and Service NEPA.
3 OKC – STX Corridor
4 Overall funding of corridor - $14 Million HSIPR Planning Grant$5.6 Million Texas State Appropriations$2.8 Million Statewide Planning and Research Funds$3.0 Million Additional Need$2.6 Million $14.0 Million Potential additional funding sources Statewide Planning and Research Funds North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Oklahoma Issues Jurisdictional boundaries for funding Geographic limits on funding sources Scope of work limitations with funding sources
5 OKC – STX Corridor Contracting HNTB o Existing infrastructure study – March 2011 start o Ridership analysis (part of grant scope) – start after SOW is approved by FRA o Funded with Statewide Planning and Research Funds o Study limits – Oklahoma City to South Texas Remaining tasks for Service Development Plan and Service Level NEPA o To be contracted as a project specific contract with limits from Oklahoma City to South Texas o Data and other information from the Austin-San Antonio corridor to be coordinated with Lone Star Rail District
6 OKC – STX Corridor Oklahoma City to Dallas-Fort Worth Coordinated with ODOT and BNSF; also with KDOT/ODOT study to run service from Kansas City to OKC/Ft. Worth BNSF corridor modeling for additional service TTI Heartland Flyer Study, April 2010 o On Board Surveys TxDOT Dallas-Fort Worth Region Freight Study Dallas-Fort Worth to Round Rock IH-35 Corridor Program Studies Origin/ Destination Study for Auto Travel IH-35 Corridor Segment Committee Proposals TTI Research Study (Potential Development of an Intercity Passenger Rail Transit System in Texas) – May 2010
7 OKC – STX Corridor Round Rock to San Antonio Coordinated with Lone Star Rail District but different purpose and need San Antonio to South Texas TTI Study TxDOT San Antonio Region Freight Study TxDOT Lower Rio Grande Valley/Laredo Region Freight Study TxDOT Corpus Christi/Yoakum Region Freight Study Other reasons to extend to South Texas o PRIIA required study to extend South Central HSR Corridor o Bus travel information o Congressional interest o Interest from LULAC
Questions/Issues Coordination with adjacent states and their efforts Multiple service levels with in one corridor Differing levels of service along different segments of the corridor (does that actually make for separate corridors?) Coordination of efforts that were underway prior to HSIPR Incorporating commuter service within the corridor