The Enlightenment Chapter 5 Sec. 2
Enlightenment – Age of Reason Enlightenment – Age of Reason Belief that reason could be used to solve all human problems Belief that reason could be used to solve all human problems People begin meeting in coffee houses and other public places for debates People begin meeting in coffee houses and other public places for debates Women begin to host social gatherings in salons Women begin to host social gatherings in salons
Thomas Hobbes Wrote a book called Levithan Wrote a book called Levithan Wrote that in the natural state people would lead lives that were “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” Wrote that in the natural state people would lead lives that were “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” Argued that people would give up come freedoms in exchange for the peace, order and safety that government provides Argued that people would give up come freedoms in exchange for the peace, order and safety that government provides Exchance of power known as the “social contract” Exchance of power known as the “social contract” Believed that a strong central government was best to impose law and order Believed that a strong central government was best to impose law and order
John Locke Believed that people were naturally happy, tolerant, and reasonable Believed that people were naturally happy, tolerant, and reasonable Believed the purpose of government was to protect the people’s natural rights Believed the purpose of government was to protect the people’s natural rights If a government failed to protect the citizens rights they have the right to abolish it If a government failed to protect the citizens rights they have the right to abolish it
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Believed that people were born good and society corrupted people Believed that people were born good and society corrupted people Government should work for the benefit of the people not the wealthy few Government should work for the benefit of the people not the wealthy few People should give up some of their freedoms for the benefit of the community as a whole People should give up some of their freedoms for the benefit of the community as a whole All people in society are equal All people in society are equal
Baron de Montesquieu Best form of government included a separation of powers Best form of government included a separation of powers The Spirit of the Laws The Spirit of the Laws wrote about his admiration of Great Britans government wrote about his admiration of Great Britans government
Voltaire Attacked prejudice in his writing Attacked prejudice in his writing Imprisoned twice for his comments Imprisoned twice for his comments
Diderot Wanted to compile all new knowledge into a single work Wanted to compile all new knowledge into a single work 35 volumes 35 volumes Explained ideas about art, science, government, & religion Explained ideas about art, science, government, & religion Worked on Encyclopedia for 27 years Worked on Encyclopedia for 27 years Last volume was published in 1772 Last volume was published in 1772
Mary Wollstonecraft Mary Wollstonecraft Demanded equal rights for women especially with education Demanded equal rights for women especially with education Argued that if men and women had the same education they should have the same rights in society Argued that if men and women had the same education they should have the same rights in society Adam Smith Adam Smith