My Personal Passion for Dolphins I have had a strong passion all my life for dolphins. As a child, my family and I went to Florida every July and I always insisted my parents take me to see them. October of 2005, I went to Sea World in San Antonio Texas. There, I was able to feed and pet dolphins. I hope to make another trip to the Hawaiian Islands and swim with the dolphins.
Interesting Facts About Dolphins There are 57 species. Five of these species can live in fresh water. Man is the greatest predator. Their life span can exceed 20 years. They renew their lung capacity 90% with each inhalation (humans only renew their lung capacity 15%). This allows dolphins to dive for 20 minutes at a depth of 300 meters with each inhalation. Sleep is 8 hours per day. While sleeping, only ½ of the brain is used. They sleep for awhile with one eye open; alternating between open eyes. 128 km can be traveled in one day. An average dolphin (depending on species) will eat pounds of food a day. Click here to learn more! Click here to learn more!
Common Dolphin The common dolphin averages 7.5 to 8.5 feet and weight can reach up to 297 pounds. This dolphin lives in all tropical & warm temperature waters. Can be seen at the Southern California Bight.
White Sided Dolphin There are 2 species of the White Sided Dolphin. The Atlantic White Sided dolphin and the Pacific White Sided dolphin. Pacific White Sided dolphins can be seen from the Aleutian Islands of the Gulf of Alaska to Baja, California in the eastern Pacific and from Japan to the Kuril Islands in the Western. The Atlantic White Sided dolphin lives off of the eastern United States, from northernmost Florida and stretches up the Atlantic Ocean to the Davis Strait off Greenland. People often mistake this species of dolphins for the Bottlenose dolphin when they are on a cruise ship and notice dolphins swimming along with the ship. They are the fastest swimming breed in the dolphin world.
Philosophers have stated dolphins are another form of humans…sounds CRAZY…let’s take a look! Dolphins vs. Humans
Physically Anterior appendages consist of skeletal remnants of 5 digits that form the flippers. Anterior appendages consist of skeletal remnants of 5 digits that form the flippers. They must breath air. They must breath air. Their body temperature must be maintained at 97.9 to 99 F. Their body temperature must be maintained at 97.9 to 99 F. Newborn calves must be pushed to the surface immediately after birth for air. Newborn calves must be pushed to the surface immediately after birth for air.
Parenting Mother and calf remain together for life. Mother and calf remain together for life. Mothers will babysit for one another. Mothers will babysit for one another. To allow the calves to play safely, mothers will form a playpen area buy forming a complete circle around the calves. To allow the calves to play safely, mothers will form a playpen area buy forming a complete circle around the calves. Children are disciplined with various clicking sounds. Children are disciplined with various clicking sounds.
Socializing Dolphins call other dolphins by name. Each dolphin has a unique sound that allows other dolphins to know who they are talking to. Dolphins call other dolphins by name. Each dolphin has a unique sound that allows other dolphins to know who they are talking to. They stay in pods of 50 because they don’t like to feel isolated and alone. They stay in pods of 50 because they don’t like to feel isolated and alone. Being with humans is very enjoyable for a dolphin. Being with humans is very enjoyable for a dolphin. When a group of dolphins meet another group; a ceremony occurs with all of them leaping, chasing, and touching. When a group of dolphins meet another group; a ceremony occurs with all of them leaping, chasing, and touching.
Thank You Thank you for sharing my passion for dolphins. I hope I have peaked your interest to the point you will begin your own research.