Head Teacher Program 2008. Ambition in Action www.sit.nsw.edu.au Overview /Head teacher program /What is the current VET Environment? /National Training.


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Presentation transcript:

Head Teacher Program 2008

Ambition in Action Overview /Head teacher program /What is the current VET Environment? /National Training Framework /State Plan /Institute Business Plan /TAFE 21 Century /What does this mean to you? /Summary

Ambition in Action Head Teacher Program /Sessions /Delivery options /Feedback

Ambition in Action National Framework /Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) /recognised qualifications in schools, vocational education and training and higher education.

Ambition in Action

Ambition in Action National Framework /Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) /The Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) is the set of nationally agreed quality assurance arrangements for training and assessment services delivered by training organisations

Ambition in Action National Framework /Training packages /A training package is a set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing people’s skills in a specific industry, industry sector or enterprise.

Ambition in Action Current VET environment /Work in groups /Answer the questions using the hand piece (one person per group enters the answer) /Take your time

Ambition in Action Current VET environment /Key drivers /National and State Initiatives /Outcomes and targets: /State Plan /NSW VET Plan

Ambition in Action NSW VET Plan /Fast tracking apprenticeships /Recognition of Prior Learning /Higher level VET Qualifications /Mature Aged Workers /Young people

Ambition in Action Institute Business Plan /Business and community value our capability to build skills /Customers rate our products and services as innovative and responsive /Customers recognise our staff as passionate and professional

Ambition in Action Institute Business Plan /The marketplace identifies us as influential and competitive /Stakeholders recognise our business success

Ambition in Action TAFE 21 Century /Strengthening locally customised services: /Designing services to suit local needs, learners and employers /Faster flexible delivery /Key changes: /Faster and more flexible training responses /Designing training solutions with learners and employers /Customising to suit local needs /Making systems and processes work for Institutes

Ambition in Action TAFE 21 Century /Building a new relationship with industry and enterprises /Engagement with Industry /Industry currency /Workplace development /Responding to market demand

Ambition in Action TAFE 21 Century /Implementing personalised learning services /Corporate systems /Resources /eBusiness /Personalised learning /Flexible delivery

Ambition in Action TAFE 21 Century /Investing in TAFE Staff /Capability development /TAFE NSW Workforce Guarantee /Resources /Using technology /TAFE systems

Ambition in Action TAFE 21 Century /Investing in TAFE Technologies /Supporting and tracking students and customers /Personalised learning /Sharing resources /Resources

Ambition in Action Current VET mean to me? /Groups discuss the implications /How will it change what you do? /How can you as a head teacher implement change /Who in the Institute can support you?

Ambition in Action More information /SI PD onlineSI PD online /myLearning wikimyLearning wiki

Ambition in Action Summary /Head teacher program /What is the current VET Environment? /National Training Framework /State Plan /Institute Business Plan /TAFE 21 Century /What does this mean to you?