Introduction People's Network Service and issues for cultural content contributors People’s Network Service cultural content contributor meeting, 27/04/05
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council People’s Network Service introduction: PN Service is a growing part of some wider developments in the information landscape: An instance of MLA’s Investing in Knowledge – Knowledge Web vision for the mla sector in England: An example of UK Common Information Environment in action A strand of Framework for the Future, DCMS’s strategic development plan for public libraries
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council Knowledge Web “Above all [the knowledge web] will simplify the journey from question to answer, making knowledge more accessible” Investing in Knowledge INFRASTRUCTURE Broadband, Hardware, Training, Middleware aggregation, enquiry, procurement, disclosure tools, discovery tools, description tools, standards, preservation, funding, co-ordination CONTENT cultural NOF Digi, Culture Online, English Heritage, Arts Council, Museums, Archives, Libraries, Communities, CABE, Visit Britain, NMDC, Creative industries, Broadcasting, 24hour Museum Other Curriculum Online, Distributed National Electronic Resource, e-Government, A2A, Archon, College Online CONTEXT SERVICES Filtering for the user environment USER ENVIRONMENTS PNS, 24 Hour Museums, NLN
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council Common Information Environment
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council CIE place-based demonstrator
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council People’s Network Service introduction: PN = online services from England’s public libraries (…museums, archives +) PN infrastructure successes to build on: Connectivity - boxes & bandwidth Competency – ICT skills training Content – NOF digitise … aim to develop public-facing online PN services (and infrastructure) that: join up and compliment the above (and other existing services) are collaboratively produced are re-purposable (locally / regionally / other domains)
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council People’s Network Service introduction: PN Service project is more than simply access to content through “discover” service: “enquire” service access to reference staff , real-time, buy-in to global network “read” service online reading groups database of reading groups access to info about public-libraries’ services and stock strategic marketing – PN brand development workshops for community engagement joint procurement models for licensed content
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council PN brand-designs
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council People’s Network Service introduction: Within “discover” service there is more than simply access to cultural content: cultural (mla) content to item / object level + community information via SeamlessUK portal/ODPM Encore project quick reference records of websites e.g. “ITforMe” project records learning content e.g. database of reading groups eGovernment content e.g.DirectGov content will grow in scope and volume and be available through optional ‘personalisation’, (submission of user-profile).
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council cultural content contribution: cultural content contribution is: part of a broader public-facing national online service and part of broader, innovative developments in the information landscape (UK+)
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council cultural content contribution: issues / requirements 5 issues for end of June / thereafter: item records available to PNDS system item records mapped to PNDS application profile (in development) reference-item (thumbnail/clip) available to accompany each record, (rights permitting) 1 x collection (& service) description record about each digital collection available (plus related physical collection records created) management framework for content contribution implemented: apply appropriate creative commons licence apply service level agreement (to be developed) Post June 05 case study report of experiences supplied
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council cultural content contribution: issues / requirements First 3 issues for end of June / thereafter: Item records available by OAI-PMH, (or Z39.50 or SRW or other Web Service) Item records by OAI-PMH mapped to PNDS application profile (in development) reference-item (thumbnail/clip) to accompany each record made available, (by referencing url or data transfer - rights permitting) These issues to be discussed in later presentations & breakout group led by KINT / UKOLN
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council cultural content contribution: issues / requirements other 2 issues for end of June / thereafter: 1 x collection (& service) description record (for each digital collection contributed) available within MICHAEL system, (method of record creation to be confirmed) plus ensure a record of any related physical collection is in the Cornucopia database. management framework re content contribution to implement: apply appropriate creative commons licence (in association with CIE-CCstudy - the AHRC Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law apply service level agreement (to be developed) Post June 05 Supply case study report of experiences within MLA’s Case Study database Issues to be discussed further in breakout group led by MLA / UKOLN