Presented by Armando Garza
“A structure for supporting or enclosing something else, especially a skeletal support used as a bases for something being constructed; a fundamental structure, as for written work or a system of ideas.”
Modularity Reusability Extensibility Simplicity Maintainability
Customized Business Application Domain-Specific Components Cross-Domain Components.NET Framework
Application Framework Application
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Class LibraryApplication Framework Application Component A Component B Component C Component D Component E Component F Component A Component B Component C Component D Component E Component F A A D D A A D D B B C C E E F F
Business Component Application Business Component Framework Business Component
Framework Development User Training
Cost and effort are required to develop a highly usable and extensible framework. Both business and technical knowledge is required. Framework development is a reiterative process.
To be proficient, the developer needs sufficient knowledge about the framework. Supporting materials can speed up the learning curve.
Developing an application framework is like investing in the stock market, good investments aren’t judged on whether they are making money today, but whether they support you investment strategy.
ConstructionStabilization DesignAnalysis Scope Objectives Architecture Implementation Documentation Testing and Training
Set scope and objectives Identify key features Types of business applications that participate Use cases that will be supported Supported business domains
Identify common spots in: – Domain-specific layer – Cross domain layer Identify hot spots in: – Domain-specific layer – Cross domain layer Devise the architecture
Coding of the application framework Develop a framework that meets: – Requirements – Time constraints
The focus is on: – Testing – Bug Fixes – Developer Feedback – Documentation – Knowledge Transfer