The Straight Line Belief & Skill 3 CLICK HERE
AGENDA Part 1 Basics of Team National Internal Beliefs Crafting your Vision Part 2 Selling 101 Pre-Qualifying – What / How The Straight Line Sale Goals – The Numbers
TEAM NATIONAL BASICS We market an amazing membership that: Saves families a lot of money Helps businesses save & generate revenue Can provide Extreme Passive Income & Lifestyle What we do… We find those interested in achieving more Share the benefits of our program How we can help them to achieve their goals We help those ready, GET STARTED! VXP – Training | 7 Skills | Business Model
COMPENSATION & PRODUCT PROGRAM $1, $9,000 $24, $2, $5, $2, $1,500 $5,500 $2,500 $5,500 STANDARD MEMBERSHIP - $795 – 1 PT 3 PTS - $2,195 – PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP
WHAT IS YOUR VISION? If a person does not have a vision of who they want to be, how they want to succeed or what they want out of life, they will begin to lack drive and their life becomes an order of events.
CREATING YOUR VISION 1.Think big! Make sure its aspirational – don’t be held back by any limiting beliefs or low standards. The payoff needs to be worth it to ensure that you are motivated to work towards it. It needs to be compelling and inspire YOU. 2.Write it down. Until you write it down, it’s not real. Use strong powerful language and keep it in the present tense. For example use statements like “I AM DOING X” “WE ARE DOING Y”. 3.Keep it grounded in reality, but still aim high. If your vision is not grounded in reality, it’s simply a delusion. Use your Vision to guide your days, activities, decisions and actions. VXP – Training | Getting Started| Know Your WHY
FOCUS – WHAT HAS YOUR ATTENTION? FOCUS on your WHY – Don’t be BUSY like everyone else! YOUR WHY NON-PRODUCTIVEPRODUCTIVE Television – 6 hrs wk Power Plays – 6 hrs wk
SELLING 101 – POSTERING UP Selling is a Transfer of EMOTION CLARITY CONFIDENCE CERTAINTY COURAGE CLARITY CONFIDENCE CERTAINTY COURAGE WHAT IS YOUR STATE… DISEMPOWERINGEMPOWERING Don’t know what to say I can’t find anyone … I’m not good at … I don’t know how to … I’m never going to get my WHY That motivation stuff Blah … I hope they sign up I don’t have any time … Prospects are everywhere I love meeting people I am the best I’m looking for those looking I can see my why happening Who can I get to know today How many PP’s can I book today How many people can I meet today The Job Interview
QUALIFYING PROSPECTS Pre-qualifying is about making sure you’re investing time with the right people. – Identify their NEEDS – Pinpoint their PAIN – While building RAPPORT GATHERINTELGATHERINTEL Do you have to Pre-Qualify to be successful? SUSPECTS PROSPECTS POWER PLAYS Prospecting Exercise – Baseball System (Stories & Excitement) – Advanced Approach
THE STRAIGHT LINE SALE The objective is to stay in control of the sale by leading the flow of the engagement and staying inside the boundaries of the Straight Line. 3 Key Aspects of the Straight Line: 1.Build Rapport 2.Gather Intelligence 3.Control the Sale BOUNDRY CLOSE OPEN STRAIGHT LINE
THE 5 ELEMENTS 1 ST 10 2 ND 10 3 RD PRODUCTYOUTN PRODUCT - The tone and general attitude of the customer will give you valuable cues as to how they feel about the product – you need to be in tune with these cues! YOU - If the Prospect does not trust you or connect with you then they will not buy from you, even if they like the product. TEAM NATIONAL - If the Prospect does not trust your company they will not buy, even if they like you AND the product. PAIN ACTION THRESHOLD 1 = Absolute Uncertainty | 10 = Absolute Certainty EMOTIONAL & LOGICAL
THE PAIN & ACTION THRESHOLD How to Amplify PAIN 1.Wait until they bring up a potential sore spot 2.Then ask them to tell you more about it When to Amplify PAIN 1.At the beginning of the PP when you are gathering Intelligence. You want your prospect to evaluate your offer against his/her feeling of pain. 2.At the end of the sale when they are on the fence. You amplify pain to try and raise their Pain Threshold above their Action Threshold. The Pain Threshold and Action Threshold are in an inverse relationship—the greater their pain, the lower their Action Threshold. So, people who are feeling a lot of pain will take action much more quickly than those who are not. PAIN ACTION THRESHOLD
OBJECTIONS & LOOPING Loop through relevant BENEFITS – Three 10’s (Establish Certainty) They’re not sure about the product They’re not sure about you They’re not sure about your company They have a high action threshold They feel no pain they are just not in a rush They’re not sure about the product They’re not sure about you They’re not sure about your company They have a high action threshold They feel no pain they are just not in a rush Five Real Reason’s I need to think it over (#1) I don’t have any time I need to check with my… I’d like to but it’s bad timing My wife will kill me I need to do more research I need to think it over (#1) I don’t have any time I need to check with my… I’d like to but it’s bad timing My wife will kill me I need to do more research Typical Objection’s No matter what they say, you say this phrase: “I hear what you’re saying, but let me ask you a question. Does TN make sense to you? Do you like the program?”. At this point you will begin the “Looping” process.
LOOPING OPTIONS “Does TN make sense to you? Do you like the program?” “You see, the true beauty of this program…” “As far as my company goes…” “We have an amazing team, let me share what you have access to…” “We can start off with a few small goals and work towards bigger, life changing goals for the future…” “What’s the worst that could possibly happen? Our Company, Product…” “Please don’t misconstrue my enthusiasm for pressure. It’s just that I’m really excited about what we have and I know that it works - I see the pain that you’re feeling.” “I understand what you’re saying…” “Getting started is very simple. It’s just a question of some basic information…” “Just a cash outlay of…” Never say “payment” or it “costs” you. ” Loop through relevant benefits – Three 10’s (Establish Certainty)
BUYING SIGNALS After a number of Objections / Benefits, a prospect may start giving buying signals. Look out for phrases like the following as they indicate that a prospect is just about ready to say “yes”: How much does it cost? What did you say about that feature? How does that part work? What kind of support will I get? My kids are covered as well? I think I know a few people that might be interested this? I’m already thinking of people! Here is what we need to do to get you started.
THE SALES FUNNEL Quality In – Quality Out – Hot & Warm Market First – Cold Market Convert to warm Cold Calling has the lowest conversion rate! You are looking for LOOKERS! You CONTROL the process ALWAYS | NEEDS – PAIN – RAPPORT | ALWAYS FOLLOW UP NEW MEMBERS SUSPECTS PROSPECTS POWER PLAYS
COMPENSATION YOU Leader Make a Decision Create your Goals Create your Plan Execute your Plan Take Action YOU Leader YOU
HELP LEADERS BUILD THE SAME LEADER Leader YOU LEADER Leader LEADER Leader LEADER Leader $42,000 per month $504K Per Year +++ $42,000 per month $504K Per Year Progressions - $6, Times - $10, Times - $10, Times - $10, Times - $10, Hosting Bonuses - $16,000
IT’s ALL MATH # Join out of 10 presentations 2 (20%) # Presentations for 20 people 100 # Appointments needed 125 # Calls needed 300 # On your Names List needed 500 # Join out of 10 presentations 2 (20%) # Presentations for 20 people 100 # Appointments needed 125 # Calls needed 300 # On your Names List needed PP’s - Week # Join out of 10 presentations 3-4 (30-40%) # Presentations for 20 people 65 # Appointments needed 90 # Calls needed 150 # On your Names List needed 300+ # Join out of 10 presentations 3-4 (30-40%) # Presentations for 20 people 65 # Appointments needed 90 # Calls needed 150 # On your Names List needed PP’s - Week
WHAT IS YOUR VISION? Let others lead small lives but not you Let others argue over small things but not you Let others cry over small hurts but not you Let others leave their future in someone else's hands but not you Jim Rohn Let others lead small lives but not you Let others argue over small things but not you Let others cry over small hurts but not you Let others leave their future in someone else's hands but not you Jim Rohn