MOCK TRIAL Teacher Coaches: Mr. Woodard and Mr. Tavani Attorney Coach: Mrs. Jensen
BASICS Mock Trial is a competition between different schools in January/February. Each school has two teams: defense and prosecution In the beginning of October, a case is released that includes: A background of the case 3 plaintiff witness statements 3 defense witness statements Various forms of evidence
3 Attorneys 3 Witnesses 1 Time Keeper 3 Attorneys 3 Witnesses 1 Time Keeper TEAMS Prosecution/Plaintiff Defense Alternates who can fill in any role And Court Artists who draw what happens in the courtroom in a contest
PRE-SEASON We will discuss the basics of how the trial works We will teach you the basics including: Questioning Closing and Opening Statements Witness Acting These skills will help you during auditions!
DATES: SEPTEMBER SunMonTuesWedThursFriSat 1 2 Informational Meeting Pre-Season Meeting Pre-Season Meeting Pre-Season Meeting Pre-Season Meeting 2930 Pre-Season Meeting
TEAM INFO Meetings are Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30 to 4:30 Dues: $25 Seniors Receive a Cord
CONTACT INFO Mr. Woodard: Mr. Tavani: Mrs. Jensen:
DATES: OCTOBER SunMonTuesWedThursFriSat General Meeting 6 7 Parent Info Meeting Case Released Auditions First Meeting