Bravery in battle. Poets were used to elevate hero's and were usually as important as the warriors themselves. Warfare was the order of the day Amassing a fortune in battle Great love for personal freedom Truth was a highly cherished virtue. CHARACTERISTICS OF ANGLO-SAXON CULTURE
Anglo Saxons were Pagans Paganism= polytheistic religion Early Anglo Saxons worshipped ancient gods of German mythology There was also a belief in a variety of other supernatural entities who inhabited the landscape, including elves and dragons. THE ANGLO-SAXON RELIGION People of this time were either Christian or Pagan in their religion. Christians believed in one God and in Heaven. Pagans believed in many gods and in fate, which meant everything in life was predetermined and nobody had control over it.
ANGLO-SAXON LITERATURE Anglo-Saxon literature did not begin with books, but with spoken verse and songs or poems such as epic poems. The purpose of these forms of literature was to pass along tribal history and values to a population who could not read or write. Warriors would gather in mead halls were scops and their assistants (gleemen) would recite poems or songs for hours or even days as a form of entertainment or ceremonial occasions. These poems were made very catchy so they could easily be recalled and thus retold. These poems surely consisted of the use of kennings, alliteration, and rhymes Christian versus Pagan religion was one of the biggest cultural values expressed in Anglo-Saxon Literature. The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Wife’s Lament and Beowulf
VOCABULARY Caesura Personification Kennings Imagery Alliteration Simile Theme Metaphor Compound Predicate