Spencer’s E-Portfolio Mrs. Coker 3 rd grade
Acrostic Poem A wsome N ow likes dragons D oes cool stuff R ents movies E ats heathy W rites acrostic poems S o nice
Mother Teresa Mother Teresa helped the poor people in the world. She washed them, cared for them, healed them, and many others. One day, a woman came to help Mother Teresa and others came. Soon they made a group that helped the poor. She soon heard she could help all over the world, not just in India. Her work still continues. Even though she has passed away, there is still that group that will keep helping until they pass away. By Spencer Andrews
Why I Love Math I love math because my teacher always makes a twist in it.She loves telling us stories about hard things in math that she messed up.She makes hard things fun.
Favorite parts of reading
Halloween When is Halloween It’s when scary spiders crawl up your back. And