EXAMPLES OF GRAPHS FOUND IN THE MEDIA Each graph was found on the website for the National Center for Health Statistics


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Presentation transcript:

EXAMPLES OF GRAPHS FOUND IN THE MEDIA Each graph was found on the website for the National Center for Health Statistics qs.html December 2005

Contour Map Allows illustration of data that vary continuously across geographical areas.

Bar Graph - Histogram Allows illustration of one characteristic for multiple categories.

Multiple Bar Graph Allows comparison between two or more data sets.

Time-Series line chart Allows comparison of multiple sets of data over time

Line Graph Allows illustration of a single characteristic over a continuous time period.

Bar Graph Allows illustration of a characteristic by category.

Stacked Column Graph Allows comparison of separate categories in each bar.

Multiple Bar Graphs Allows comparison of a single characteristic by multiple categories.

Multiple Line Graphs Allows illustration of two characteristics for the same sample.

Circle Graph – Extracted From a Larger Circle Graph Allows further examination of characteristics of one particular segment.

Stacked Bar Graph Allows further examination of characteristics of each bar.