Mandan High School Library School Catalog Basics Click on slide to advance…
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Enter your search term The search field is defaulted to search in All Fields and this type of search will give you the most results. When you search by Title and the initial word of your title is and article - A, An, or The, do not include it in your search. Author, keyword, or ISBN (book number) are other fields you may search. After your first search, your home search screen will change to look like this:
Here you can have your results arranged by relevance, date, author, or title. Choosing Date brings the most recently published books to the top. On this side of your results you may choose limiters such as topic or only fiction or just nonfiction, or only published within a defined decade or by type of format (such as electronic book, or print book, or AV). Notice there are 7 results If your title is available, it’ll say so in green. Unavailable shows up in red. Choose the result You want by Clicking on it.
Here’s the cite this button Bibliographic Record The call number tells you where the book is on the shelf. Summary The book has 251 pages
Choose the MLA Citation This citation is for the entire book. You might be more specific and include in the citation the title of a chapter or page number you used.
We’re always happy to help you with catalog searches. Just ask! Take some time to explore the catalog. There’s a lot more there!