2 TASK DESCRIPTION Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation GOALS/OBJECTIVES Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation FY07 activities involve test and modeling to characterize IBM 5HP 8HP and 9HP SiGe structures and devices, and other commercial processes (IHP) Modeling activities include 3-D device physics charge collection and TCAD simulations of circuit response in 5HP, 7HP, and 8HP SiGe HBT technologies We will generate and evaluate simulation based solutions to RHBD architectures and related test structures We will assess the temperature dependence of HBT concerns under cryo conditions Test activities will also characterize the companion CMOS circuits for these BiCMOS processes, as well as strained CMOS structures SiGe microelectronics are a commercially available high-speed, mixed signal technology applicable to a diverse range of digital, RF, and mixed signal wideband systems. In FY04-06, we proved this technology is extremely well suited for space with respect to ionizing radiation and particle damage issues, but problems arise due to the extreme sensitivity to soft errors. Our research targets these issues using collaborative test chips (including DoD-funded hardening methods) to acquire radiation effects data and support device physics and circuit level modeling.
3 DELIVERABLES Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation FY07 DeliverablesQuarter DueQuarter Completed Notes Documentation of baseline (unhardened) technology performance in 3 generations of SiGe HBT from multiple foundries and including corresponding CMOS for BiCMOS processes 4Q07 1 In progress from 1Q-4Q FY07 Documentation of improved SiGe HBT SEU/SET model(s) showing fidelity to laboratory test results 4Q07 1 In progress from 1Q-4Q FY07 Report indicating techniques applicable to radiation hardening by design (RHBD) with application to 8HP SiGe 4Q07 1 In progress from 1Q-4Q FY07 Documentation of improved SiGe HBT SEU on-orbit model for 5HP SiGe HBT based circuits 4Q07 1 In progress from 1Q-4Q FY07 1 Each major deliverable for this task will be tracked with intermediate deliverable inputs (e.g., test reports, published papers) from GSFC and its University and other partners throughout each of the 4 quarters, and these will appear in the “Major Accomplishments” portion of the quarterly reports.
4 SCHEDULE for FY07 Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
5 BUDGET/WORKFORCE Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation This page’s content intentionally left unaltered from template version.
6 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS QUARTER Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation Georgia Tech highlights to advancing the SiGe task during 2 nd quarter FY07 are: Preparation for Proton Experiment: 4/16/07 - 4/20/07 collaboration with NASA-GSFC test location: UC Davis (3 from Georgia Tech in attendance) 5AM, IHP HBTs/nFETs, p-n junction diodes irradiated at 77 K, 300 K 5AM transceiver, BGR circuits irradiated at 77 K, 300 K 10 keV X-Ray Experiments: 3/0 collaboration with Vanderbilt test location: Vanderbilt 5AM inverter vertical JFET (comparison with proton displacement damage) Complementary SiGe/Strained Si Radiation Activities: SiGe HBT on SOI + Strained Si CMOS (DTRA via NAVSEA Crane) NASA SiGe ETDP effort on Cryogenic Operation of SiGe HBTs MURI Radiation Effects Effort (Vanderbilt)
7 Vanderbilt University highlights to advancing the SiGe task during the 2 nd quarter FY07 are: Continue Development of Event Rate Prediction Approach Refinement of SiGe HBT SER Model Review of Possible SiGe TCAD Updates Ploy-filled trench Include p-well structure Key finding: Changing the doping or the trenches modifies the details of the simulated current pulse. Motivates the need for experimental work in this area. Began Development of RF SET Measurement Capability MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS QUARTER (Cont.) Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
8 Auburn University highlights to advancing the SiGe task during the 2 nd quarter FY07 are: Charge collection sharing in outside DT n-ring RHBD HBTs. Device are not too far apart compared to diffusion length (10s of microns) One ion can affect several HBTs 2x2 array HBT array constructed and simulated Ion strike performed on different locations Angle simulations performed Single Device vs Multiple Device Comparisons Struck device may not see most improvement, but Neighboring devices see a lot of improvement – huge reduction in charge sharing 3x3 is in progress Angle strike of 2x2 arrays in progress MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS QUARTER (Cont.) Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
9 NASA/GSFC led highlights in 2 nd quarter FY07 are: Contributed to 12 accepted NSREC submissions for 2007 Conference. Continued heavy ion SEE data reduction of 8HP RHBD register designs, and data analyses of 1Q07 proton and microbeam tests. Completed documentation of guidelines for Built in Self Test (BIST) architectures for autonomous SEE testing at GHz clock rates. Acquired commercial SiGe OpAmp and conducted test (TAMU) to assess Analog Single Event Transients (ASETs) in very fast SiGe devices
10 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS QUARTER Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation 10 Papers accepted for the NSREC 2007 [1] Marco Bellini, Bongim Jun, Aravind C. Appaswamy, Peng Cheng, John D. Cressler, Paul W. Marshall, Badih El-Kareh, Scott Balster, and Hiroshi Yasuda, “The Effects of Proton Irradiation on the DC and AC Performance of Complementary (npn + pnp) SiGe HBTs on Thick-Film SOI” IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007 [2] Peng Cheng, Bongim Jun, Akil Sutton, Chendong Zhu, Aravind Appaswamy,John D. Cressler, Ronald D. Schrimpf, and Daniel M. Fleetwood, “Probing Radiation- and Hot Carrier-Induced Damage Processes in SiGe HBTs Using Mixed-Mode Electrical Stress” IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007 [3] Ryan M. Diestelhorst, Steven Finn, Bongim Jun, Akil K. Sutton, Peng Cheng, Paul W. Marshall, John D. Cressler, Ronald D. Schrimpf, Daniel M. Fleetwood, Hans Gustat, Bernd Heinemann,Gerhard G. Fischer, Dieter Knoll, and Bernd Tillack, “The Effects of X-Ray and Proton Irradiation on a 200 GHz / 90 GHz Complementary (npn + pnp) SiGe:C HBT Technology” IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007 [4] Bongim Jun, Akil K. Sutton, Ryan M. Diestelhorst, Gregory J. Duperon, John D. Cressler, Jeffrey D. Black, Tim Haeffner, Robert A. Reed, Michael L. Alles, Ronald D. Schrimpf,Daniel M. Fleetwood, and Paul W. Marshall, “The Application of RHBD to n-MOSFETs Intended for Use in Cryogenic-Temperature Radiation Environments” IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007 [5] Anuj Madan, Bongim Jun, Ryan M. Diestelhorst, Aravind Appaswamy, John D. Cressler, Ronald D. Schrimpf, Daniel M. Fleetwood, Tamara Isaacs-Smith, John R. Williams, and Steven J. Koester “Radiation Tolerance of Si/SiGe n-MODFETs” IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007 [6] Laleh Najafizadeh, Bongim Jun, John D. Cressler, A.P. Gnana Prakash, Paul W. Marshall, and Cheryl J. Marshall, “A Comparison of the Effects of X-Ray and Proton Irradiation on the Performance of SiGe Precision Voltage References”, IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007 [7] Akil K. Sutton, Jonathan P. Comeau, Ramkumar Krithivasan, John D. Cressler, Jonathan A. Pellish, Robert A. Reed, Paul W. Marshall, Muthubalan Varadharajaperumal, Guofu Niu, and Gyorgy Vizkelethy, “An Evaluation of Transistor-Layout RHBD Techniques for SEE Mitigation in SiGe HBTs” IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007
11 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS QUARTER Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation NSREC 2007 Papers, cont. [8] Tonmoy S. Mukherjee, Kevin T. Kornegay, Akil K. Sutton, Ramkumar Krithivasan, John D. Cressler, Guofu Niu, and Paul W. Marshall, “A Novel Circuit-Level SEU-Hardening Technique For Low-Voltage, Ultra-High-Speed SiGe HBT Logic Circuits” accepted for IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007 [9] Jonathan A. Pellish, Robert A. Reed, Robert A. Weller, Marcus H. Mendenhall, Paul W. Marshall, Akil K. Sutton, Ramkumar Krithivasan, John D. Cressler, Ronald D. Schrimpf, Kevin M. Warren, Brian D. Sierawski, and Guofu Niu, “On-Orbit Event Rate Calculations for SiGe HBT Shift Registers”, IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007 [10] M. Varadharajaperumal, G. Niu, X. Wei, J. D. Cressler, R. A. Reed, and P. W. Marshall, “3D simulation of SER hardening of SiGe HBTs using Shared Dummy Collector”, IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, 2007
12 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
13 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
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22 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
23 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
24 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
25 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
26 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
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28 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
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30 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
31 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
32 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
33 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
34 TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal - Radiation
35 PLANS FOR NEXT QUARTER Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal – Radiation Continue Analysis of Proton + X-ray + Microbeam Experiments Prepare NSREC 07 papers Upcoming Experiments and Plans: additional 63 MeV proton studies (77K + 300K), (4/07) additional X-ray studies (5/07) more circuit level irradiations (latchup, inverter,TID etc) additional ion microbeam study (inverse mode + RHBD) define an attempt at Cryo SEU measurements using protons explore two photon absorption path Proposed SET Testing Laser test at the Naval Research Laboratory Plans for week of May 21st, 2007 SiGe 5AM transistors and differential pair ECL gates ECL gates have several splits based on substrate p-tap locations and Tx-to- Tx spacing CRYO-II tapeout; leverage on NASA-MSFC RHESE Microbeam testing at Sandia National Labs Early summer (June 2007) SiGe 5AM and 8HP RHBD test structures All tests will focus on measuring radiation-induced current transients
36 PLANS FOR NEXT QUARTER, cont. Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal – Radiation IBM 7HP SiGe HBT event rate calculations Investigation of SEU temporal domain Initial current pulse capture tests with laser Uses RF/microwave test set purchased with DURIP (AFOSR) monies Analyze details of charge collection sharing in 2x2 RHBD HBTs arrays Simulation of 3x3 RHBD HBTs to look at larger area charge sharing in more realistic circuit environments
37 Partnering Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal – Radiation Work partners University partners: Vanderbilt University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Auburn University Industry partners: IBM, Jazz Semiconductor, National, BAE, IHM, TI Others include The Mayo Foundation, The Naval Research Lab, OGAs Primary NEPP leverage is with the RADSAFE task with Vanderbilt Other significant leveraging includes: DARPA/DTRA Radiation Hardening by Design Program (Boeing) NASA’s Code T Extreme Environments Program (Cryo SiGe) DoD via Vanderbilt-led Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) OGA interests in high speed technologies via collaborations with Mayo and NRL DTRA/NRL developments in 2-photon absorption for SiGe
38 PROBLEMS AND CONCERNS Task SiGe and Advanced Mixed Signal – Radiation Jonny Pellish’s primary focus will change from SiGe HBTs to sub-90 nm CMOS/SOI processes from IBM Through collaboration based on IBM Ph.D. fellowship and Graduate Level Co-op at IBM Austin Research Lab (IBM ARL) Co-op is from July through December 2007 Testing of IBM parts will be leveraged through NASA-GSFC, their connection with IBM Burlington, and co-op at IBM ARL RF transient measurement system will still be viable for 65 and 45 nm parts -- not just SiGe HBTs Intend to do experimental transient measurements at the 65 and 45 nm nodes Individual transistors, ring oscillators, and latches Will support testing of 65 and 45 nm CMOS/SOI SRAMs and maintain top- level/testing involvement with any ongoing SiGe HBT testing and modeling efforts Mitigation Strategy Hire a new (Vanderbilt) student that plans to start in May. Tighter leveraging with other programs. Plans for next year are focused on transient testing and modeling that will lead to a better understanding event duration predictions. Vanderbilt’s personnel