Snip the Rings on your 6- packs!
WHY? They’re practically invisible in the water, making it easy for marine life to get stuck in them They get stuck around birds’ beaks so they can’t open their mouths causing the animal to starve Basically, the rings are a HUGE threat to animals
Use Rechargeable Batteries!
Batteries contain Cadmium and Mercury, two VERY hazardous chemicals When thrown away, the chemicals are released into the soil which comes back to harm wildlife and people
So.... Use rechargeable batteries And recycle ALL batteries!
Use reusable bags when shopping!
WHY? Plastic bags will not decompose, not even biodegradable bags (they only break into smaller pieces) Plastic bags are made from petroleum, a non- renewable source The ink on the plastic bags contains Cadmium, and when burned, it spews this toxic chemical into the air Paper bags in stores are made from “virgin paper,” only made from new paper, not recycled
So.... Use reusable bags (like at Buehler’s) Recycle ALL plastic and paper bags! If you have a small purchase, rethink using a bag
Refuse Styrofoam!
WHY? It is made from a carcinogen! (a cancer- causing substance) It is NOT biodegradable, it stays in already full landfills for forever Floats in water, marine animals confuse it for food, consume it, then float and die from starvation
Don’t Release Balloons!
A test balloon set off in Ohio reached South Carolina in 2 days, so they travel far and fast When landing in water, balloons lose their color and resemble jellyfish, then they suffocate/choke animals that eat jellyfish Also pose a problem to power lines
A DEAD TURTLE THE TURTLE DISECTED The balloon that killed it
Recycle all that you can!
You know, there’s a Recycling Center practically 100 yards away...
So bring them your: Aluminum Steel #1 Plastics #2 Plastics Glass Office Paper Newspaper Phonebooks Cardboard Plastic Bags Bubble Wrap Metals Appliances Wires Pots and Pans Lawn Mowers Tires And More!
P R E c y c l e !
What is it? Precycling is when you: Buy things that you KNOW are recyclable Like eggs in cardboard cartons instead of Styrofoam Avoid plastics other than #1 and #2 Buy in bulk therefore using less packaging Don’t bag bananas, etc. at the store
Information from: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth