1 Set Up Bridging Area With Ropes for each scout hanging ready with rope for them to tie a square knot Troop Members SPL New Boy Names ScoutsAssignment neckerchief back in front neckerchief back behind neckerchief back in front neckerchief back behind neckerchief back in front neckerchief back behind neckerchief back in front neckerchief back behind shoulder loops Book and Shirt
2 1.Set Up Bridging Area With Ropes for each scout hanging ready for them to tie a square knot 2.Call Up New Scouts by name and shake their hand with left hand (boy scout style) 3.Have them show the scout sign and say out loud the scout oath and law Troop Members SPL New Scouts
3 4.Have the scouts tie the square knot and say out loud the scout motto and slogan Help them or assign a scout to help them with their knot if need be 5.Call scouts to attention and give the parents a chance to take pictures Troop Members SPL New Scouts
4 Troop Members 6.Have all scouts step completely off the bridge in front of the troop members 7.Have at least two scouts work on each new boy (one in front and one in the back) changing out the old neckerchief and slide with the new troop neckerchief and slide. 8.Have another boy install his shoulder loops 9.Have another boy hand him there new book and shirt
5 Troop Members 6.When all done and complete announce the boys by name as new members of the troop 7.Have audience applaud 8.Allow parents to take pictures