Interpersonal Communication 4 (IC4)-Response to Literature “The Naughty Boy Fairy Tale” Objective: Students will connect something about a character to their lives. Vocabulary word: wept
Our predictions about the word, wept It is an __verb________________ (part of speech) Definition predictions: Whipped To cry (2) Cleaning Sad To toughen To run
Grammatical Forms We’ll Use Adjectives of physical characteristics robuststrongelderlymuscular beautifulslendershortyouthful petitejoyfulattractivemerry handsomeyoungolderfit
Read aloud- “The Naughty Boy Fairy Tale” By the time the story is finished, let’s revisit our predictions about the vocabulary word, wept. Have our predictions about the definition changed?
Patterns for Prompts Which character from ______(short story title) do you have the most in common with?
Patterns for Responses I relate the most with _______(character name) because I am_______(adjective) and he/she is _______ (adjective). Example I relate the most with the poet because I am older and he is elderly.
Our final prediction of the vocabulary word, wept It is a __________________ (part of speech) Definition predictions: Sample sentence: