Intervention 1: Sent out example of monthly time card including dates, etc. Intervention 2: Along with continuing intervention 1, public posting and treats to the people whose cards were on time and 100% correct
Calling It Quits Ending one IEP service when other services continue March 9, 2012
Prior to ending a service, consider: Has the decision been made by the IEP TEAM? – The decision to remove a service by one member of a team without input from others is predetermination Will the removal of the goal/service affect the identified primary disabling condition?
3 Prongs of SpEd 1. The student must meet the definition of one or more of the categories of disabilities specified by IDEA. 2. The disability must adversely affect the student's educational progress. 3. The student must require specialized instruction and/or related services to make reasonable educational progress.
Examples: Will the student continue to meet the eligibility criteria for Speech and Language Impairment if there is no need for Speech and/or Language services? If the student eligible in the category of Specific Learning Disabilities no longer requires any academic services is there still an adverse impact on his/her educational performance?
Also Consider… Is there sufficient documentation showing the student has achieved mastery and no longer requires the specialized instruction? Is the decision to remove services based on multiple assessments? These assessments can be formal and/or informal. Does data demonstrate that the student has generalized the skill across educational settings? Is the student independent at the skill, or does he still need prompting?
How Do We End One Service When Others Continue? Determine if the service change is a major or minor change to the IEP – Major change: Completely removing a service is major and requires the IEP team to be reconvened. All IEP meeting procedures are applicable – Minor change: Removing one goal, but maintaining a service otherwise is minor. This can be done via parent phone call. Send home copies of the addended IEP.
Remember to also…. Report the data – Complete a progress report using the ‘Final’ field showing the data demonstrating the student’s mastery of the skill. If standardized or norm-referenced assessment was also completed: – This information should be reported on an Eval. Form (if Eligibility is not due) – The RDR and/or Eval-Eligibility form if the student is due for re- eval and eligibility determination. – Print and finalize the progress report, etc as needed Update the IEP