Formal Assessment A presentation for SPED 608
Definition Formal assessment involves all aspects of norm- referenced or standardized testing. Norm-reference testing involves administering tests to an individual or group with specific directions and addresses the question of how much a person knows. Test results compare the individual or group to a specific reference group.
Types of Norm-Reference Tests or Formal Assessment Tests of Aptitude Tests of Achievement Diagnostic Tests All norm-referenced tests may be group OR individually administered.
Aptitude Tests Determine intelligence quotient or IQ. Good predictors of academic achievement. IDEA requires the use of aptitude tests for the diagnosis and determination of eligibility for several classification categories (e.g., intellectual disabilities)
Tests of Achievement Covers basic academic skills Administered to: Determine eligibility for special education services (e.g. specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities etc.) Identify students who need remedial services Compare one group of students to another Evaluate teacher effectiveness
Diagnostic Tests Determine area strengths and weaknesses For example, a diagnostic norm-referenced test, Key Math 3 will yield math area strengths and weaknesses. Area strengths: Telling time, Money, Geometry Area weakness: Algorithms, Place Value, Fractions, Can be used to pinpoint beginning points of instruction Can be used to target more specific areas for assessment
Drawbacks of Norm-Referenced or Standardized Testing or Formal Assessment Not a good indicator for teachers about student ability in the classroom Not correlated with the curriculum being taught