NetarchiveSuite Meeting, Paris, * Austria Updates and Plans for 2014/2015 Michaela Mayr, Andreas Predikaka Austrian National Library
Harvesting Ongoing Collections: –Media (since 2011) –Politics (since 2013) currently crawling: EU elections preparing for: WWI 2015: –Eurovision Song Contest –4th Domain Crawl *
Access Plans: –Online search interface (no access to data) –Improve search possibilities (still no fulltext-search) Users: –researchers are minority –recently: tax office, patents' office, lawyers External access for 4 libraries
NAS & other tech stuff Currently: –Release tests –German Version –Extended fields support (if necessary) –File Format Identification (as part of ONB risk mangement) –HADOOP *
NAS & other tech stuff Plans: –Database Migration MySQL to PosgreSQL –Switch to NAS 4.4 –Switch to OpenWayback – -Notification Tool