Reading in School Reading is an important aspect of the curriculum. We encourage children to read for enjoyment and develop a love for books. The teaching of reading Phonics and letters and sounds sessions Shared reading Guided reading Independent reading Focused reading activities Reading across the curriculum Class stories
What is Guided Reading? Guided Reading – Main teaching of reading skills Focused daily teaching sessions with Teacher/TA Taught in small groups of about 4- 6 children Children are grouped according to their reading ability Texts are chosen by the teacher with a particular learning intention in mind and each child will have their own copy Each session consists of: book introduction, strategy check, independent reading at own pace, return to text and respond During guided reading session all children will take part in reading activities. They will be taking part in letter and sounds activities and games, reading topic books linked to our topics, ipads, taking part in comprehension activities, games, puzzles and using story sacks, online books.
Guided Reading Year 1 and 2 Reading requires 2 skills Phonics and word recognition The ability to segment and blend letter sounds (phonemes) together to read words Understanding The ability to understand the meaning of he words and sentences in a text. The ability to understand the ideas, information and themes of the text
Letters and Sounds We continue Letters and sounds into year 1 and year 2 as you know it is a phonic approach to the teaching of reading and spelling. We encourage children to think about the sound first. Precise sounds are vital! We continue to work on the skills of blending c a t - cat segmenting words cat - c a t phoneme manipulation m a ts a ts i t
Phase 2 Teaches children to match the phoneme (sound) to the grapheme (letter shape) of the alphabet Set 1 – s, a, t, p Set 2 – l, n, m, d Set 3 - g, o, c, k Set 4 – ck, e, u, r Set 5 – h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss Letters and Sounds
Letters and Sounds Phase 3 This phase completes the teaching of the alphabet and children move onto sounds represented by more than 1 letter. DIGRAPHS – 2 letters that make 1 sound ll ss zz oa ai TRIGRAPHS – 3 letters that make 1 sound igh air
Letters and Sounds Phase 4 In Phase 4, no new graphemes are introduced. The main aim of this phase is to consolidate the children's knowledge and to help them learn to read and spell words which have adjacent consonants. snap champ Phase 4 is taught at the end of reception and revisited at the beginning of Year 1.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 – Year 1 In Phase 5, children will begin to learn most phonemes (sounds) can be spelt in more than one way. e.g. They know ai as in rain, but now they will be introduced to ay as in day and a-e as in make. Also that most graphemes (letters) can represent more than one phonemes e.g. – o as in go or o as in hot i as in hit or i as mind
Letters and Sounds Phase 6 Year 1 and 2 Phase Six (consolidation of skills) During Phase Six, children become fluent readers and increasingly accurate spellers. Introducing and teaching the past tense e.g ed Investigating prefixes and suffixes e.g un/dis and ing/ly Plurals –s/es Teaching the spelling of long words Learning ‘difficult bits’ in words Developing knowledge of the spelling system Application of spelling in writing
Tricky Words The tricky words are taught throughout all phases These are words that are not phonically decodable. e.g. was, the, I. Some are ‘tricky’ to start with but will become decodable once we have learned the harder phonemes. e.g. out, there.