Wet All Over! The Stages of the Water Cycle Presented by Ms. Bratcher Science.


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Presentation transcript:

Wet All Over! The Stages of the Water Cycle Presented by Ms. Bratcher Science

Wonderful Water ! Water is everywhere!97% of the Earth is covered with water. 2/3 of your body is made of water. 2/3 of your body is made of water. Water can change states: solid, liquid, and gas Water can change states: solid, liquid, and gas Water is old! You drink the same water the dinosaurs drink! How? Because of... Water is old! You drink the same water the dinosaurs drink! How? Because of... THE WATER CYCLE!! What is the water cycle? Let’s find out!!

What is this mysterious “water cycle?” The water cycle is the name of the long trip water takes around the Earth. As water journeys through the water cycle, it changes many times. Water never really goes away. The water the dinosaurs drank, went through the water cycle, and made it’s way back to our water supply for us to drink.

Collection Where are some places water can be found? Where are some places water can be found? Lakes, rivers, oceans, streams.... Collection is the first stage of the water cycle. It is where water collects in large quantities. The bodies of water listed above are the most common places water collects.

Evaporation When water warms up, it starts to evaporate. Evaporation is when water turns into an invisible gas called water vapor. The water vapor rises into the sky. When the water makes its way to the sky, it changes again.

Condensation After the water reaches the sky, it goes through a process called condensation. Condensation is when water vapor cools due to the cold air in the sky. The water molecules get very close together, or condense. Condensed water molecules turn into tiny water droplets. This is how clouds form.

Precipitation After clouds fill up with many water droplets, the cloud starts to get heavy. When the cloud is so heavy it can hold no more droplets, the water falls as raindrops or snow. Rain and snow are called precipitation. As rain or snow fall into lakes, oceans, or puddles, they collect there, and the cycle starts all over again!

The Water Cycle: A Model Evaporation Precipitation Collection Condensation

To Review... There are four stages in the water cycle: Collection Evaporation Condensation Precipitation Water can change it’s state during the water cycle. The water cycle is continuous, it never stops! It can take days, weeks, years, even thousands of years for water to travel through the cycle!