ITS Research Services The Challenge of Attracting Users to the OptIPortal Bernard Meade
OptIPortal Challenges Background of OzIPortal Smoke and Mirrors Targeting the audience Hi-res versus collaboration Single large or several small The function and value of HD video conferencing Ease of use and accessibility When does the real research happen?
What is an OptIPortal? Tiled visualization cluster –Many displays driven in unison by one or more computers, able to be scaled easily. Collaborative workspace –Display environment should be able to be shared with remote OptIPortals for sharing full resolution images and other digital content. HD Video Conferencing –Researchers should be able to communicate easily with multiple sites using HD video and echo-free audio.
Background of OzIPortal The Larry Smarr Challenge! Built by Engineering Launched in January, 2008 Very Important People = Very Important Show Handed to Research Computing Services Currently residing at Bio21 Due to return to main campus in 2011
Background of OzIPortal
Smoke and Mirrors The promise and the reality Our system initially required 6 operators! Pre-staging data allowed both ends to see the same content, but this was coordinated via a Skype backchannel Video stream from remote site was displayed on the Optiportal, which gave the impression the walls were connected
Targeting the audience Audience respond well to demos However, failed to see application in their own research Best response from the potential of inter-wall connectivity We built Portaportal as both a mobile demo system and a second point for connectivity Portaportal became more popular than the main wall due to accessibility We started showing content specific to our audience
Hi-res versus collaboration Not many researchers produce ultra-hi res images Context sensitivity of detail in an image is something most researchers already know how to deal with, even if its not as effective Collaboration = $$$ SAGE provides a very simple method of collaboration SAGEBridge would be great, but technically prohibitive and not stable (yet!) Some researchers do use the full resolution of the wall
Single large or several small Researchers apparently don’t like to walk very far Politics plays a big part in the locating of expensive resources If you build it, they will come (as long as its not too far, or its raining, or…) Portaportal success suggests that maybe several smaller systems would have worked better Relocated OzIPortal to Bio21 Spent a few days on display in Atrium and then moved into main Auditorium, where it is often used as an additional presentation tool Hi-res scan + Hi-res display wall = Big Wall Success!
The function and value of HD video conferencing The essence of real-time collaboration is being able to see and hear a remote colleague easily What happens if this part fails? AccessGrid, EVO and Skype Proprietary H.323 compliant systems (eg. LifeSize, Tandberg and Polycom) Bridging services like AARNet
Ease of use and accessibility Demonstrating to an audience versus hands- on training for a small group SAGE UI installs everywhere iPAD/iPhone interface anyone? Demos encourage users to bring images Bio21 = High profile, easy to find, both able to be booked by small and large groups, and individuals. Bio21 = Not great if you aren’t located near Bio21
When does the real research happen? When the technology disappears Users need to feel confident that the technology will do what it is supposed to Users are there to discuss their own research content
Example – Bushfire collaboration with CALIT2
Victoria Fire Agencies, CALIT2 and CALFIRE
e-Research Australia 2010
Portaportal –3 x 2 screen version –Single, high-end machine –Runs the same software as full size OptIPortal –Easy to move (kind of...) –Video Conferencing (via Skype or AccessGrid)
© Copyright The University of Melbourne 2010