This is my 21 st year of teaching BS in Elementary Education, Minor in Mathematics -- University of Wisconsin-River Falls MS in Elementary Education, Science Specialist option – Arizona State University Welcome to 6 th Grade Science Monica Crowder
How am I graded? –20% class/home work * –80% “Assessments” --quizzes/tests/labs Check grades at least once a week Students who are absent should check the website or their agendas for details. You receive two days to make up work for each day you are absent. *50% off for late daily class/home work 10% off for each day a project is late. (maximum 3 days) *Homework would primarily be completing or “polishing” work from class and studying for exams
QuarterUnit of Study 1 Beginning of Year Science Skills & Scientific Inquiry 1Plants 1 & 2Human Body Systems 2Micro Life 3Energy 4Earth’s Weather & Atmosphere 4Our Bioengineered Water
Critically analyze media Formulate questions based on observations that will lead to a hypothesis and be able to refine a hypothesis Locate and select appropriate resources Keep accurate records Perform accurate measurements Write clear step by step directions Design a controlled investigation Identify trends Determine validity Communicate data, results and information
The Engineering Design Process Identify the Problem Gather Information Imagine Plan Build Test
Identify diverse people Major milestones in science and technology Analyze use of technology Apply scientific method Engineering Design Process
First Quarter: Astronomy Lab Safety Metric Measurement Science Process Skills Scientific Inquiry
First Quarter: Astronomy Plants Design a controlled experiment Observe the life cycle of a plant with a Brassica (Wisconsin Fast Plant) Pollination & dried bee observation lab Response to stimulus (phototropism,hydrotropism, geotropism) Plant parts & their functions
Human Body respiration – gills, lungs digestion – stomach, intestines circulation – heart, veins, arteries, capillaries locomotion – muscles, skeleton Micro Life Explain how the human body contracts and fights illnesses and diseases.
First Quarter: Astronomy Cells Describe the basic structure of a cell Describe the basic functions of cell parts Differentiate between plant and animal cells
Energy Ways energy can be produced, stored, and transformed How thermal energy can be transferred- Conduction, Radiation, and Convection Renewable and nonrenewable energy Compare the pros and cons of energy sources and the technology behind them. Conservation Electrical sources in Arizona Science and it’s impact on society
Designing a Renewable Energy Source
Solar Ovens
Wind Cars Made from repurposed materials
Water Water Cycle Ocean temperatures, zones, & currents Lakes & rivers Weather Systems The Earth’s Atmosphere Describe layers of the atmosphere