Jo Ann Dent Environmental Officer Community Development Block Grant Program
Challenges ◦ Project timing ◦ Busy schedules ◦ Perspectives & attitudes ◦ Lack of communication ◦ Complex projects ◦ Multiple parties to a project ◦ Multiple funding sources ◦ Political pressures
Accountability o Assumption Authority RE - responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, & action [58.4(a)] State – Assumes the role of HUD in the approval process [58.4(a)(2)]
An environmental review is successful if: “Project” is clearly defined Review is concise and organized Review is timely Clear accountability Monitoring occurs throughout the life of the project Compliance w/ applicable laws & authorities clearly documented No findings
Missouri’s approach: ◦ Full-time ER/project development staff person ◦ Up-front monitoring to minimize risk of non-compliance later ◦ Clear, detailed guidance materials ◦ Internal checklists ◦ Forms Tailored to rural REs for meeting Federal, State, & local requirements Q&A – Takes out the guesswork Created in partnership w/ environmental agencies
Missouri’s approach, continued: ◦ Training Staff, REs, preparers, engineers, architects, non-profits, developers Annual, regional, 1-on-1, webinars Adapted to needs of preparers – ER database reports Upfront survey of training interests & needs Focus groups RE (preparer) best practice presentations
Missouri’s approach, continued: ◦ Environmental agencies & Tribes Get to know them Find your go-to person Show respect – Move beyond us vs. them mentality Relay your pressures Relay the REs’ pressures Understand their pressures Enlist their help Training assistance Set an example for REs
Initial Review ◦ Statutory Checklist or Environmental Assessment ◦ CDBG funding application ◦ Other agency funding applications ◦ Preliminary Engineering/Architectural Report ◦ Other environmental documents: ASTM Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments Geotechnical reports Architectural/archaeological surveys Other agency environmental reports Any other relevant documentation Ongoing Monitoring ◦ Conditions for environmental approval ◦ Amendments to the ERR ◦ Tier II reviews
Attend HUD ER trainings Attend free trainings & webinars by environmental agencies Attend other State’s environmental trainings Ask colleagues/counterparts for help Ask REs and preparers for their input It’s a work in progress!
Thank you! Jo Ann Dent CDBG Environmental Officer MO Department of Economic Development 573/