GEOSS: the view from the South Gilberto Câmara Director, National Institute for Space Research Brazil
How can data democracy reach the masses? photo: Yan Aarhus Bertrand
23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 December Training courses are needed! source:
23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 December Are training courses still needed? source:
World Science (1998) source: OECD
World science (2008) source: OECD
An important contribution from GEOSS
Updated from Le Quéré et al. 2009, Nature Geoscience LUC emissions now ~10% of total CO 2 emissions CO 2 emissions (PgC y -1 ) Fossil fuel Land use change Time (y) CO 2 Emissions: fossil fuels and land use
Governance + markets + technology >> REDD+ Reducing deforestation in Amazonia
“By 2020, Brazil will reduce deforestation by 80% relative to 2005.” (pres. Lula in Copenhagen COP-15)
TerraAmazon – open source software for large-scale land change monitoring Spatial database (PostgreSQL with vectors and images) data: 5 million polygons, 500 GB images
Transparency builds governance registrations 46 million protests
What could be the size of REDD? 10% REDD Reduction of developed countries 46,2 Gt CO2eq REDD 4,62 Gt CO2eq To maintain environmental integrity, REDD should be at most 10% of the commitments of developed countries, if they agree to reduce their emissions by 50% between 2010 and 2020
What could be the size of REDD in Brazil? REDD 4,62 Gt CO2eq Proposed reduction 4,9 Gt CO2eq From 2010 to 2020, the emissions cuts proposed by Brazil would be larger than the entire worldwide market for REDD
The food challenge
Nature, 29 July 2010
Productivity and prices: the challenge
The impact of technology Tonelada de soja 1992 – US$ – US$ 484 fonte: Index Mundi Soja: 600 kg/ha em kg/ha em 2008
The food challenge: technology gaps
Forests and food production: potential conflicts
Nature, 29 July 2010
Brazil: a natural knowledge economy? Brazil´s innovation system is in large part built upon its natural and environmental resources, endowments and assets.
Deforestation cut by 300% ( ) 46% of energy is renewable Brazil: a natural knowledge economy Best technology in biofuels World leader in tropical agriculture
Agriculture Energy Ecosystems Climate change Weather and natural disasters Space technology adds value to Brazil´s natural knowledge economy Megacities
29 Mudança de Uso da Terra pela Expansão da Cana
Sugarcane expansion
Data is coming... are we ready? Sentinel-2A 2011 Amazônia Landsat-8 CBERS-3 CBERS-4 ResourceSat-2 AWIFSSat ResourceSat-3 Sentinel-2B