Civics & Western Hemisphere World Geography 7 th Grade social studies Mr. Klink
Contact information Teacher: Mr. Brian Klink Phone: , ext School Home
Course description The seventh grade social studies curriculum blends a combination of western hemisphere geography and cultures with modern day civics. It also incorporates weekly geography skills known as strain the brains and current events from around the world, which will be completed quarterly.
Content topics Geography and Cultures of North America & South America Foundations of American Citizenship & Democracy, the National Government, Political Parties and Interest Groups, and Elections
Required materials assignment notebook (1) notebook/loose leaf pack (1) pocket folder/binder (1) extra fine sharpie pens/pencils (1) box of colored pencils (2) red pens
Grading scale =A+ 94-98=A 92-93=A- 90-91=B+ 85-89=B 83-84=B- 81-82=C+ 76-80=C 74-75=C- 72-73=D+ 67-71=D = D- 0-64 = F!
communication The student should record the due dates of all assignments, projects, and tests/quizzes in their assignment notebook DAILY that are written on the wipe board. Advance notice of about a week will be given for all tests and quizzes, and in almost all cases, a study guide will be provided. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns via , WebNotes, or in person. I am available for help anytime, just let me know!
Make-up policy The number of days that a student is absent from school is the same number of days that will be given for him/her to make up missed work unless other arrangements have been made with me. If assignments are given in advance to a student out of school for a vacation, the expectation is that they are completed upon return or they will fall under the late work policy.
Late work policy It is very important for all assignments and projects to be turned in on the assigned due date at the beginning of each class. In the event an assignment is not, it is considered late and must be turned in the following day, at which time it will be lowered two full letter grades. After that, the assignment is considered missing and it will elapse to a zero if not turned in.
Final thoughts I look forward to having the opportunity to work with you this year in seventh grade social studies, which will hopefully be a fun and exciting school year for everyone! Thanks! Any Questions?