2015 Open House “Spot the Evidence with your Eagle Eye! ”
Dr. Ricketts 7 th and 8 th Grade Intensive Reading Phone: ext /23/2015
Teaching Philosophy and Expectation for Teacher As a teacher, I aim to create an atmosphere that encourages curiosity and sheer determination. Our classroom is a place where students feel important, respected, cared for and believed in. I am a teacher who makes it possible for her students to reach their full potential, ask questions, learn from their mistakes, give and receive feedback, create and try their best. In our classroom, real world problems are solved and each student believes that they can make a difference in this world. Together, we celebrate each other’s success and inspire each other to be the best person that we can be. 11/23/2015
Expectations for Students Student must exhibit good behavior Complete home learning assignments Be Prompt to class Be Prepared Be Positive Be Productive Be Polite Stay Focused 11/23/2015
Essential Question How can I as a parent assist my child in order to maximize their learning potential? 11/23/2015
Expectations for Parents Check daily home learning assignments Ensure your child reads at least 20 minutes every day Check Parent Portal for grades regularly Communicate with your child’s teachers 11/23/2015
Reading Curriculum Text - National Geographic Inside Research based Meets Common Core Standards Mastery of Skills Meets the individual learning needs of students Technologically Interactive Data Driven lessons 11/23/2015
Assignments and Grading Many lessons are reinforced through home learning that will require students to access their textbook online. Students have access to their textbooks through their portal. Individual and group projects will be assigned and must be turned in on time to receive credit. Classwork – 20% Home Learning – 15% Projects - 20% Tests - 35% 11/23/2015
Attendance Students need to be in school everyday. If student has an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to ask for make-up work. 11/23/2015
Materials Needed Red and black pens Pencils Highlighters Composition book Notebook section Colored pencils 11/23/2015
Questions Together Everyone Achieves More…… 11/23/2015
Helpful Websites www. lawtonchilesmiddle.com 11/23/2015