North American Sound Management of Chemicals Initiative Commission for Environmental Cooperation Ned Brooks, Chemicals Program Manager Commission for Environmental Cooperation 15 May 2012
2 Commission for Environmental Cooperation Sound Management of Chemicals Initiative Past Accomplishments Projects Overview Commission for Environmental Cooperation
3 Intergovernmental organization created by Canada, Mexico and the United States by the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). NAAEC complements the environmental provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in The CEC was established to: address regional environmental concerns, help prevent potential trade and environmental conflicts promote the effective enforcement of environmental law. North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Sound Management of Chemicals Initiative Established in 1995 to address risks related to “chemicals of mutual concern” – toxic, persist in the environment and travel long distances. – “Persistent, Bioaccumulating Toxics” PBTs – “Persistent Organic Pollutants” or POPs North American Regional Action Plans (NARAPs) – Strategies to identify and reduce risks – Developed to address DDT, Chlordane, Lindane, PCBs and mercury and monitoring/assessment Substance-specific NARAPs phased out in favor more focused strategies where CEC work continues
5 Chlordane – elimination of the production and use in North America DDT – Mexico stopped using DDT in 2000 Lindane added to Stockholm Conventions, uses very limited Mercury – Action plan supported significant reductions in mercury use and releases Capacity building in Mexico related to monitoring and assessment Information exchange, program consistency Sound Management of Chemicals Initiative – past accomplishments
6 Commission for Environmental Cooperation CEC Priorities for : Healthy Communities and Ecosystems Climate Change – Low- Carbon Economy Greening the Economy in North America Tri-national cooperation
7 Commission for Environmental Cooperation Identifying and Tracking Chemicals in Commerce Risk Reduction Strategies to Reduce Exposure to Chemicals of Mutual Concern Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Chemicals of Mutual Concern Sound Management of Chemicals 2011 – 2012 Projects
8 Complete work on Mexican national chemical inventory Identify policy options to ensure a sustainable inventory in Mexico Enhance compatibility of each country’s inventories for more informed risk management and transparency Develop the CEC Chemicals Management Forum Approaches for Identifying and Tracking Chemicals in Commerce
9 Commission for Environmental Cooperation Risk Reduction Strategies to Reduce Exposure to Chemicals of Mutual Concern Dioxins/Furans Improve air emissions inventory Identify populations with elevated exposure Public information for risk reduction Brominated Flame Retardants Improve understanding of sources and fate Identify and promote alternatives Strategies to manage contaminated plastics Mercury Develop a North American strategy Explore options for end-of life management
10 Commission for Environmental Cooperation Comparable data needed to describe status of chemicals in North American environment Information to assess status, track progress and improve Sound Management of Chemicals efforts Fill in Mexican monitoring data gap with 6 monitoring sites by 2013 Training and standardization of Mexican monitoring and analysis Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Chemicals of Mutual Concern
11 Three countries. One environment. © Commission for Environmental Cooperation / 2011 For more information about the CEC’s Sound Management Chemicals Initiative Ned Brooks Program Manager, Chemicals Management Telephone: