Parent’s Meeting Wednesday September 11 th 2013
Welcome: Introduction to staff: SLT – Head, Deputy, Assistant Head, Key Stage Leaders, Core Subject Leads Teachers Support Staff Admin staff Kitchen staff Specific roles – EAL, Speech and language,
Values Each class will work on core values throughout the year….. Wisdom Peace Trust Service Endurance Reverence Friendship Humility Resilience Hope Endurance Thankfulness Fellowship Creation Community Justice Compassion Forgiveness
Communication: How will we communicate with you? Weekly newsletters – Parentmail PLEASE READ Weekly s from the class teacher (need address) Class Blog……two way communication, to engage and encourage the children Notices on the board and letters in book bags. Phone calls Staff on the gate and playground – morning and afternoon How will you communicate with us? Phone calls s Attending class celebrations and assemblies Meeting staff – either drop in or pre-arranged
Curriculum: The whole school curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. This is statutory for all maintained schools in England. The RE Curriculum is the Leeds Agreed Syllabus and is the same for all maintained and Voluntary Controlled Church Schools. Has been undergoing significant review and change. It has now been published and will be in place for Sep Early Years Foundation Stage is subject to a different curriculum and assessment process. Miss Judge has overall responsibility for ensuring the curriculum has been mapped out by subject leaders and delivered by teachers. Specialist music teaching for Year 3 and 4, Steel pan lessons for Year 5 and 6, KS2 staff teach to specialisms….Art, Science, ICT, PE. Whole School Singing from Art forms teacher. Useful websites:
Attendance: New policy to all parents in July Secretary of State for Education has taken away the rights of Heads to authorise any absence. Only applicable if exceptional circumstances, as stated in the letter from Paul Brennan. What to do if your child is going to be absent? What happens if your child is late? What happens if my child has got a medical appointment? Key Staff: Mrs Taylor, Miss Dalziel, Miss Linsley, Mrs Arthur
Behaviour and Safety: Behaviour Policy Restorative Practice Key Staff and Roles within school: Mrs Taylor – Learning Mentor Mrs Cattrall – Behaviour Mentor Miss Dalziel – Family Support Please see Leaflet outlining the roles.
Reading and Writing: The mechanics of reading are taught using the Read Write Inc scheme. Children are assessed on a half termly basis, being then grouped according to their stage not their age. This has lots of links to videos of the system that we use, details of apps for your phone and ipad etc. A great resource to use. The LOVE of reading is taught through Guided Reading, Class books, library sessions and real books. DROP IN after school library session….Miss Whiteley Handwriting: All children are expected to write in a cursive style. This is in line with the Letter join system. It is a beautiful style and begins as soon as they come in, with pre cursive writing.
Healthy Schools, lunches and PE The job of the school food plan is to significantly increase the number of children eating good food in schools, and to determine the role of food, cooking and growing in schools. You can find the new School Food Plan site at: Key Staff: Mrs Carter, Mr Gwilliam, Mrs Duba, Mrs Arthur Banding System - menus After School Provision: (see overview and sign up sheets) Gee – Dance workshops FlexDance Music maker Imagineering Airfix model making Art Ambassadors Young Voices Mr Gwilliam Sports clubs Cross Country Teaching staff and support staff – time and commitment Children must be committed to attend the group every week OR they will forfeit the chance to be involved in other clubs.
Please be active partners with school….. How can you be involved in your child’s learning journey? Come and see their class assembly, Christmas performance…. Come and take part in the International Café, Friends events Join with a class trip Volunteer in school – see Miss Whiteley Communicate your concerns Help with an extra curricular club Come and talk to the children about your job, hobby, family, faith….. Come to Gold book assembly, whole school sing a long…. Help your children be ready for school, with the correct uniform, book bags, PE kit….named Tell us what workshops you would like….how to help your child with their maths, reading, science, ICT etc Listen to your children – spend time talking to them – ask them BIG questions – learn their times tables….be positive about learning..