11/23/2015 SADN 1033 RAG 1
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG2 MALAYS
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG3 Malaysia ABORIGINES
Malay is the major ethnic group in Malaysia. Known as Melayu in their own language, the Malays inhabit the Malay Peninsula as well as the coast of Borneo, the east coast of Sumatra, Singapore, and some of the smaller islands. The Malay ethnic group is different from the Malay race, which includes other peoples sharing similar characteristics living in the region, including those in Indonesia and the Philippines. 11/23/2015RAG1162 COPYRIGHT4 MALAYS
11/23/2015RAG1162 COPYRIGHT5 …MALAY According to Leonard Andaya (2010), tradition resource says, when the Makasarenese asked by their ruler, they said “Malays who are tie a sarungs”- i.e; Peoples of Pahang, Patanni, Champa, Minangkabau and Johor.
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG7 Malay Tradisional People
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG8 Malay Traditional Woman
- Foundation for Malaysian society. - Malay Traditional System as a fundamental for the existence of the social, economy and political structure of Malaysia 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG12 MALAY TRADITIONAL SOCIETY
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG13 WHO IS MALAY (Melayu)
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG14 WHO IS MALAY
Malay who apostate (apostacy) -as a result, not longer considered Malay under the law -likewise a non-Malay convert to Islam cannot claim they are Malay 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG15 …. “MALAY” UNDER CONSTITUTION
The origin of word “Malay” or “Melayu” is said to have originated in a Melayu River located at Batang Hari in Jambi province in Sumatra, and that there was a Melayu Kingdom in Jambi. The word has been in use during the Sultanate of Melaka, and have been in popular use since the 17th century. The English word Malay comes from the Dutch Malayo, which in turn was derived from the Portuguese word Malaio, which is derived from the Malay word Melayu. 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG16 THE WORD “MALAY”
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG17 “Melayu” According to Harun Aminurrashid, the word “Melayu” is come from word “Melaju” means the action of Malays is “laju” (fast) referred to “silat” (Malay marshal art From Chinese records 7 th century- the Mo-lo yeu kingdom.
There are 3 concept about Malay: 1. Culture and physical- The similarities exist from the roots of culture- Malay culture. From physical point of view the color of the skin are normally brown (sawo matang) 2. Based on the historical facts that the word “Malay” came from the Malay annals which describes Malay as followers of the king (ruler) from Bukit Siguntang whom responsibled to the existence of the Malay empire in Malacca Based upon the article 160 and 89 (6) regarding to Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language), Islam and the practice of Malay cultural. According to UNESCO (1972) Malays – ethnic in Malaysia Peninsular, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Madagascar. 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG18 Concept of Malay
History has proven that Malaysia is not a new country. The most earlier society had founded about 45,000 years ago. The earlier civilization was: Paleolithic Age- 45,000-25,000 year ago. Mesolithic Age- 25,000-11,000 year ago. Neolithic Age- 10,000-5,000 year ago Proved by archeological research with a discovery of artifacts. Stone axe, stone plate, human skull, bone, bead etc. 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG19 EARLY INHABITED PERIOD
1. POLITIC Feudal system with absolute monarch in power.- The Raja/King/Sultan had a full power in the administration ruling the country. The word of “Raja” came from a believe of “Devaraja” mean “Godking” –the concept that basically came from Hindu religion. It was later changed and influenced by the concept of “Khalifah” when they embraced Islam. 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG20 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MALAY TRADITIONAL SOCIETY
4. The hereditary of Malay traditional monarchism system based on patrimonial system which mean it come from the father side of the family. 5. Sultan and King were supported by the great lords: - of the 1 st rank called “Great Lords of Four”: Bendahara, Temenggung, Penghulu Bendahari and Laksamana. -2 nd rank called “Great Lords of Eight” -3 rd rank called “Great Lords of Sixteen” 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG22 … continue
GREAT LORDFUNTIONS THE BENDAHARAThe head of administration The highest ranking officer The head of armed forces The Lord Justices THE PENGHULU BENDAHARIThe lord who responsible to all slaves of the Sultan The lord who responsible to all financial matters of the country THE TEMENGGUNGThe lord who responsible to keep peace in the country Also responsible to ensure all measurement systems were used accordingly THE LAKSAMANAThe lord who responsible to the army and the navy The special bodyguard of the Sultan 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG23
Malay traditional society had been used a complete systematic administration and legislative. The Sultanate of Malacca had their own rule of law known as “Hukum Kanun Melaka (Malacca Code of Command) ” and “Undang-Undang Laut Melaka (Malacca Regulations of Sea)”. For overall of Malay traditional society there are two important law of Malay social cultures known: 1. “Adat Temenggung” 2. “Adat Perpatih” 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG24 …continue
STATE DISTRICT VILLAGE Political Unit 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG25
MaritimeAgrarian Society Nomadic Society 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG26
In general pattern of Malay traditional society was 1. Practicing a barter trade. 2. Voluntary works under “corvey system” under patron- client relationship 3. Run a business eg. during Malacca kingdom 4. Practice a simple farming 5. Hunting highlanders 6. Mining 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG27 ECONOMY ASPECTS OF MALAY TRADITIONAL SOCIETY
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG28 BARTER SYSTEM (Exchange) Barter is a method of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG29 PATRON-CLIENT Patron client relationship: a mutually obligatory arrangement between an individual who has authority, social status, wealth, or some other personal resource (the patron) and another person who benefits from his or her support or influence (the client).
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG30 “CORVEY SYSTEM/ SYSTEM KERAH “corvey system” is the system adopted in the traditional Malay society. It is a task that is done voluntarily by the followers of the Malay chiefs. This system is part of a symbol of devotion by his followers against their leader. At the same time it is a symbol of power and status among the Malay chiefs. Type of works such as: Planting a paddy (rice) Build a road Digging a drain etc.
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG31 MARITIME TRADE The maritime activities was already existed an done in a professional way. -Most of the great empire and sultanate located near to the sea for example Malacca, Johor- Riau, Perlak, Pasai and many others. Before Malacca, there was a several ancient port like Kuala Selingsing (in Perak), Jenderam Hilir (in Selangor) and Santubong (in Sarawak)
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG32 MALACCA: MARITIME ENTREPOT-GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS The peninsular is long famous because of it strategic location at the Straits of Malacca. Used by traders from East and West especially the Chinese, Indian and Arabs as the most suitable trade emporium. Peninsular Malaysia is located at the crossroad of Chinese, Indian and Arabian trade routes. Natural resources attracted many foreign traders especially from Arabia, China and India.
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG33 LOCAL PRODUCT- spices The local Malay traditional society were the sources of spices for the traders. Spices were the most important matters in any trade activities on this land. Aromatic woods and resin together with other economy products such as gold. Gold was a most of Peninsular Malaysia at ancient time- Golden Chersonese or “Svarnabhumi” means “Golden Land”.
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG34 HIGHLAND PRODUCT Another type of economic activity was primitive farming, hunting. These society practiced nomadic life. Uphill peoples (“orang hulu”) who was supplied “aromatic woods” and “resin”. They used a barter system in term of to get an important thing such as clothes, salt, food and etc.
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG35 SOCIAL ASPECT Social hierarki RulerLordsPeoples
11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG37 THE HIERARCHY OF MALACCA SOCIAL UNIT (IN DETAIL) King Lords Trader Farmer & Fishermen Slave
THE PEOPLES RANK: 1. Traders 2. Mediators between foreign traders and local peoples called “kiwi”. 3. Farmers the majority of the people and provide the most agricultural product. 4. Fisherman 5. Slave- seven category of slave 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG38 … SOCIAL
“Hamba Tawanan” Slaves in Malay Traditional just a social “Hamba DiRanggah” ranking; they was a person who cannot “Hamba Habsyi” pay their debt, very poor and go to the “Hamba Hulur” Lords to a work without any wages “Hamba Serah” or salary “Hamba Hutang” “Hamba Anak Emas” “Hamba Waris” “Hamba Bayar” 11/23/2015saDN 1033 RAG39 SLAVES
Slaves in Malay traditional just a social ranking; they was a person who cannot pay their debt, very poor and go to the Lords to a work without any wages or salary but their Lords give them a protection, house and foods. They cannot do anything freely without a permission from their Lords. It wasn’t like “slaves” in European civilization which is they’re cruelled by their lords, chained and beated. SADN 1033 RAG40 MEANING BY “SLAVES” IN MTS
The social system was very rigid and there was no flexibility. Social practice such as Malay customs is a norms or social values/ rules and very important in Malay traditional society. 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG41
MALAY TRADITIONAL SOCIETY USED A “BAHASA Melayu”. IN MALACCA KINGDOM AGE “BAHASA Melayu” WAS A “LINGUA FRANCA” IN THE REGION AND AMONG ALL THE FOREIGN TRADES. The religion is Islam. It is influenced all the social and political aspect of MTS. 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG42 LANGUAGE and RELIGION
Practicing in all states except Negeri Sembilan Syariah basis Temenggung Custom Practicing in Negeri Sembilan Originated from Sumatra (Indonesia) Perpatih Custom 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG43 LOCAL LAWS
The values of Malay Traditional Society always manifested by the linguistic approaches or the way the peoples used the Malay language (Bahasa Melayu) at that times. It become a Malay identity in this modern age. It accepted as a core identity of Malaysia. 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG44 THE IMPORTANT OF MALAY TRADITIONAL VALUES
Constitutional Monarchy Bahasa Melayu as a official Language for Malaysia Malay Special Right for Malays and Bumiputras Islam Religion as a official Religion for Malaysia 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG45
The development of society in Malaysia (Malay Traditional society) is also in line with the development of advanced civilizations at that time, such as Babylon, Hwang Ho and Indus civilization. Although Malaysia’s development not as great (in terms of artifact remains), it has be proven that Malay society had their own civilization. As a basic of Malaysian society. 11/23/2015SADN 1033 RAG46 CONCLUSION