Parent Questionnaire Results November 2013
Representation Parents were asked to complete a questionnaire during parent contact sessions in November. There are currently 217 families in the school. Of the 174 families who were represented at the two evenings 159 completed questionnaires We are grateful to all who took time to complete and return
How Good Is Our School?
Numbers Happy at school113 learning well112 class teacher knows child112 sets appropriate work112 parents feel part of learning process111 opportunities for parents to know progress105 staff support active parental role105
What Could We Do To Improve?
Numbers paving slabs outside P16 playground supervision3 playground equipment15 shelters3 Websites and work for homework2 willow maze improvements5 janitor back6 resurfacing of playground1 more challenge in upper stages2 extended car park1 ‘stay and learn' in classes2 after school sports5 monthly child progress2 children allowed to play with who they want1 sectioned off garden area1 replace tarmac with all weather pitch1 bullying1 road traffic patrol1
You said….We’re doing! Property: Fix paving slabs, sort out the mud and puddles HT in constant discussion with maintenance officers about this issue. Drains have been replaced in the ‘big field’ and also along the car park area. Drains under paving slabs being addressed. Paving slabs replaced with tar April Learning: ‘stay and learn’ type sessions, parents to understand how we teach our methods, more challenge, monthly progress, after school clubs needed including tutoring While we want to invite you to our classes to see learning in action we are always concerned about confidentiality…HT to bring up at Parent Council meeting about the way forward here. We’ve held workshops and had open afternoons to show resources and teaching methodology and these sessions haven’t been well attended. We’re happy to try again? Challenge: speak to your child’s teacher if you think your child isn’t being challenged – there may be good reasons or misunderstandings – just talk! Monthly progress – HT and SfL working on this idea for all children who have a child’s plan or a ‘sticky point’ in their learning..great idea – watch this space! Please see the website for current extra curricular clubs all run on voluntary basis by staff and parents. Further discussion about sports events in the New Year. There is a slot for tutoring or extra work but in the morning on a Tuesday.
You said…We’re Doing! Safety: Playground supervision, janitor, bullying, road traffic control We have 6 members of staff plus SMT presence before and during school at break times. All wear fluorescent jackets so please encourage your child to talk with an adult if there is an issue. If you are unhappy about the change in janitorial provision then you need to speak with your local councillors as this was an agreement voted on by the elected members. One person wrote that we needed to sort out the bullying. Unfortunately no name or number was on the sheet…please get in touch with the HT to identify the issue. Road traffic: police have been doing spot checks, lines have been repainted to warn road users( mainly thanks to a parent writing to complain again on our behalf!) but we are at the mercy of drivers who don’t maintain the speed limit or who park in dangerous positions. If we can keep the temporary car park then we will. A ‘lollypop’ person is not going to be allowed at council level. The Road Safety Citizenship Group does a great job in raising awareness and we urge you to teach your child how to use the crossings in and around the school Playground: Equipment, shelters, garden section, willow maze clear up, resurfacing Parent Council is raising money for shelters – one is up already! The existing nursery outdoor area will be a sectioned off garden in the spring. The willow maze is being ‘bulldozed’ ASAP and will be an area for growing veg, sheds, greenhouse, etc. Grounds Citizenship group has won funding to redo this area and there are clear plans which will come to fruition in the near future
What We Do Well
Numbers well supported5 issues addressed quickly3 ensure kids are happy15 discipline2 reading & spelling; hop on6 shows, coffee mornings and other pupil involvement8 involving pupils in fund raising3 whole school trips e.g. panto and walk in woods3 staff create a family environment6 children know themselves they are learning well2 PE and extra curricular activities6 communication through wall displays, newsletters8 Sharing Folders8 library trips2 everything2 encouraging children to work together2 ensuring children feel safe, secure and challenged4
So…What Now? Discussion with Parent Council about sport events Clearer communication about after school clubs Discussion with Parent Council about how to build on nursery ’stay and play’ sessions for the rest of the school Continue listening to the whole Parent Forum Continue to share our curriculum and assessment progress with you through newsletters, the web site and Sharing Folders