Earth Day 2014 Current Events Charity Ray
10 Facts about Earth Day us/2014/04/10-facts-about-earth-day us/2014/04/10-facts-about-earth-day The First celebration of earth day took place on April 22 nd This years is the 44 th anniversary of earth day. Earth day was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson. Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in The first Earth day got a lot of attention from more than 20 million people. Replace with a related picture
Environmental group slams EPA's jet-fueled 'Earth Day'- themed tour ental-group-slams-epa-jet-fueled-earth-day-themed- tour ental-group-slams-epa-jet-fueled-earth-day-themed- tour A national nonprofit group is mad about the recent endeavors of the environmental protection agency. The greenhouse gases generated By EPA far exceed any concrete action. The country seems to have ignored EPAs speech about needing to conserve. On Monday the tour started The tour will end on Friday in tennesse. Replace with a related picture
10 Planetary Facts For Earth Day h_day_2014_a_few_fun_facts_about_our_planet.html h_day_2014_a_few_fun_facts_about_our_planet.html Today is earth day a world wide celebration about our earth. Our planet moves about 940 million from the sun. The surface of earth is 510 million square kilometers The earth is the biggest terrestrial. Venus is the closest planet in size to earth Replace with a related picture
Celebrating Earth Day: Science And Technology Must Join The Party elebrating-earth-day-science-and-technology-should- be-at-the-party elebrating-earth-day-science-and-technology-should- be-at-the-party Make a list about all the environmental problems we could solve with bill gates money. Changed how she lived because of a book called “ silent spring “ Because of her it restrictions were put on pesticides. A dude wrote a book about how she was lying & it ended all her arguments She was shut up & hasn’t said a thing since Replace with a related picture
Make Everyday Earth Day earth-day.html earth-day.html Ways to be a better grocer: Know your grocer. Understand Your Brands Choose to reuse Supports grocers that reduce waste Bag it up. Replace with a related picture
Voices: On Earth Day 2014, a climate change challenge 21/earth-day-environment/ /earth-day-environment/ Congress created EPA before the first earth day "The real problem of pollution of our environment is being distorted and exaggerated by emotional declarations and by intensive propaganda.“ is a quote from the Daughters of the revolution As a nation we have taken a drastic step towards fixing our environment. The coming challenge is what to do about the climate A Gallup poll found out that only a third care about the enviroment Replace with a related picture
Earth Day 2014: Affluence. Effluence. Influence. day-2014-affluence-_b_ html day-2014-affluence-_b_ html Technology has advanced This would have been put into a newspaper not on a screen A lot of people would have trashed this article only having read a little of it It would still be sitting in a landfill today One of our six values are Sustainability Replace with a related picture
Earth Day 2014: History, Origin and Significance; 10 Inspiring Quotes That Will Touch Your Heart th-day-2014-history-origin-significance-quotes.htm th-day-2014-history-origin-significance-quotes.htm Also know as international mother earth day. During this day people around the world engage in various activities to worship her. Was first celebrated in 1970 Is celebrated in more than 192 countries each year Is now coordinated by Earth Day network Replace with a related picture
Legoland Florida: Renewable energy initiatives get Earth Day boost me-park-rangers-blog/os-legoland-florida-earth-day ,0, post me-park-rangers-blog/os-legoland-florida-earth-day ,0, post LEGOLAND Florida will mark Earth Day by running the entire theme park using renewable energy for the day. That will be a first for a U.S. theme park The event will include installations to teach guests about solar energy permanently power the park's Imagination Zone on renewable energy. A 30-kilowatt solar panel array has been mounted atop the venue. Replace with a related picture
Apple Retail Store Logos Gain Green Leaves in Honor of Earth Day day-retail-stores day-retail-stores In celebration of Earth Day, Apple has started updating the logos of some of its retail stores with green leaf accents, For example, Apple's massive Nanjing East retail store in Shanghai has been updated with the green Earth Day logo, in China. encouraging employees to wear special green shirts Replace with a related picture