Generating Electricity
Electricity Light + heat Energy changes To describe an energy change for a light bulb we need to do 3 steps: Electricity Light + heat But where does the electricity come from?
Power stations Generator Turbine Cooling tower Transformer Boiler
What does each part do? The boiler is where the fuel is burnt to boil water The steam from the boiler is used to turn a turbine The turbine is connected to the generator, which acts like a dynamo – it generates electricity out of movement The steam is cooled down and turned back into water in the cooling tower
Other ways of generating electricity… Can we drive the turbine without burning anything?
Other ways of generating electricity… Wind Hydro-electric Solar Wave Tidal
Where do animals and Plants get their energy from?
What types of energy do you get from burning food? In pairs think of all the types of energy that food can give us. Write these down as a list.
Food Food is an energy resource. The amount of energy it contains can be measured in joules. Food contains a lot of energy, so for most foods the energy is measured in kilojoules (1000 joules!)
Homework Look at food labels and find out how much energy in kilojoules is contained in different types of foods. Write this as a table in the back of your books.