Business Education in “Dynamic Societies”: identification of management models and cooperation opportunities Antonio Freitas, PhD Provost, FGV Brazilian Academy of Education
Does doing business in the “dynamic societies” have something in common but uncertainty ? Dynamic societies have a lot in common, i.e, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Dynamic societies tended to demonstrate higher growth rates than the developed ones, thus in average with a higher present value for their investments.
Volatility Opportunity 3
Are there some common values typical for that group of countries from different regions of the world? It does not have the desire to develop along the Western Model of economic development. (The goal of all business is to maximize shareholders value ) An alternative measurement is the growth national happiness, measuring the actual satisfaction of people as opposed to how industrialized a country is.
National Happiness - Bhutan
Can we argue that “dynamic societies” may have the model of management that differs from the classical model taught at business schools? Sustainability, ethics and globalization should be taugh across all the courses. The educational model should have only few required courses and let the students free to design their own program.
Model of Management
National Plan of Education
Learning Process
Is there a necessity to initiate the research of the problems using academic and consultancy potential of the countries in question? Would be profitable to share the benefits of the research and consultancy to transfer the experience of mature educational systems. It´s essential to invest in human capital ( education, health, etc..) for faster economic growth. Wherever the educational level is raised, the level of the development is also raised.
Economic Development vs Education US $ / Student
Global Complexity - Interconnection
How to make the research as cost-efficient as possible using the network of the participants in the local communities? “ If you think education is expensive, try ignorance”. ( Derek Bok ) The exchange of faculty and students can spread the knowledge among them. Blended Courses
R&D Expenditures International Standing 14 Total R & D Expenditures ( % GDP)
What are the regional and interregional (global) forms of cooperation between BSs of “dynamic society” countries which already exist in practice of the participants? There is a little regional cooperation between business schools and corporations. For some countries there are a strong interregional forms of cooperation between business schools. For most dynamic society BSs need to increase regional, interregional and corporate cooperation.
International Cooperation
Scientists vs R&D Investments
What is the value of those cooperation activities for business and how to enlarge it? The stimulus for growth through the improvement of the human capital, increase trade policy, attract new investments and, eventually, close the knowledge gap. Most innovation is done by corporations For developed economies would be a possibility to generate revenue for research and retain top faculty (in 2014, UK was generated by international students U$ 110 B. In Swizerland, chinese pay, on average, U$103K/capita for general studies.
Excellence and Integration
Cooperation between BSs and Corps.
Potential Chinese Students
From Brazil with Love