Tudors and Stuarts Government and Politics Local Government
Generally local government duties were performed by landowners and merchants. They were unpaid for these duties Lesser positions were filled by farmers, small traders and craftsmen
Local Government Sheriffs were appointed to lead the county governments. The appointment was made annually The sheriff was assisted by an under sheriff and clerks and bailiffs His duties included: Administering justice Collecting tax Law and order Overseeing elections
Local Government Justices of the peace held more power than the sheriff They were usually of noble birth It was a busy position and quite prestigious The position was mainly a policing role They decided on issues of bail and custody In pairs they could try less serious offences At the quarter sessions they could hear capital offences They had input into decisions concerning the running of the county
Local Government Armed forces within the county came under the jurisdiction of commissioners of musters or deputy-lieutenants Justices of the peace were used for these positions
Local Government Other positions such as Commissions for Sewers and Commission for Charitable Uses were filled by wealthy farmers, townspeople or clergy
Local Government There was a constable appointed to each parish This position was filled by election or by appointment by a justice of the peace He held police powers and could collect revenues
Local Government Other parish positions included: Churchwarden Overseers of the poor Surveyors of the highways
Local Government Local government was under the jurisdiction of central government
Bibliography History volume 2, Britain , by Robin Silcock, Longman Paul, Auckland,
REVISION: When you have completed the PowerPoints and related worksheets get students to mind-map the ‘Government and Politics’ topics covered: The Crown The Privy Council Courts of Law Local Government Parliament’ If you are unfamiliar with the basic concepts of mind-mapping then check the ‘Mind mapping with Tony Buzan’ video found on the site and showMind mapping with Tony Buzanwww.schoolhistory.co.nz