AP Government Jeopardy Political Parties VotingPublic Opinion Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative
This party tends to have the most support from Conservatives Republican
This party is socially liberal Democrats
A Jewish person would most likely support this party Democratic
This party is more likely to favor lower taxes Daily Double Republican
A Christian Fundamentalist with a Masters Degree would most likely vote for this party Republican
About this percentage of all eligible voters actually vote About 50%
People who vote and do nothing else are known by this moniker Voting Specialists
African Americans with equal education and income to whites vote at this rate when compared with whites More than
This law made it easier for people to register Daily Double Motor Voter
These four Amendments expanded voting rights 15, 17, 19, 26
The government cannot always reflect public opinion because public opinion is always doing this Changing
When people hear about poll results it may change their views, otherwise known as this effect Bandwagon
Public Opinion polls may be inaccurate because of the way these are worded Questions
Public opinion is difficult to determine because there are many of these in society Publics, or groups
The importance or relevance of an issue to a voter is known as this Salience
Lower taxes and more military spending Conservative
Pro-Choice, but with parental consent and no partial birth abortions Moderate
Supports the use of School Vouchers Conservative
Supports Affirmative Action Liberal
Supports legalization of marijuana for medical purposes only Moderate