BY: ASIA HILLIARD SAM MCMILLAN The Effect of Alcohol Chain Length on Psuedomonas Fluorescens Lag Phase
Introduction Pseduomonas fluorescens: a gram negative, rod- shaped bacteria that is well-adapted to living in soil, water, and plant surface environments.
Preliminary Experiment
Question & Methods Question: What is the effect of alcohols of varying carbon chain length on the lag phase of Pseudomonas fluorescens? Method Various alcohols Various concentration of alcohol Low salt Luria broth Distilled water
y = x R² =
Conclusion The carbon chain length of alcohol is directly proportional to an increase in Pseduomonas fluorescens lag phase. Future Questions: To what extent does the trend line hold true? What causes propyl alcohols to have a different effect on Pseudomonas fluorescens lag phase?
References Picture Sources Pugachev, Mikhail V.; Shtyrlin, Nikita V.; Sapozhnikov, Sergey V.; et al.Source: BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 21 Issue: 23 Pag es: DOI: /j.bmc Published: DEC Yang, Shan; Zhang, Zhiqing; Wang, Fang; et al.Source: JOURNAL OF POLYMERRESEARCHVolume: 20Issue: 12 ArticleNumber: 307 DOI: /s Published: NOV Lee, Soo Youn; Lee, Seonyoung; Lee, Jiho; et al.Source: MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 110Pages: DOI: /j.matlet Published: NOV jsp?title=Alkanols jsp?title=Alkanols logs/cw/2009/12/18/che mistry-worlds-weekly- round-up-of-money-and- molecules-98/ logs/cw/2009/12/18/che mistry-worlds-weekly- round-up-of-money-and- molecules-98/ Resources