Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Discover The World A WebQuest for 5th Grade (Social Studies) Designed By Lauren Verno Christina Borelli Risha Duttry
Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Introduction You are a tourist trying to plan an exciting and culturally diverse vacation! There are so many countries on Earth that you could visit. You get to pick any of these places to explore and money is no object for your trip! There are many details that go into planning a trip, it is your responsibility to prepare for your journey. Have fun and take lots of pictures! What’s your destination?
Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits The Task By the end of this webquest, you will: Research a country that interests you. Record your findings in a research journal. “Visit” your country. Journal your adventure in your travel log. Create a scrapbook about your visit and present it to the class.
Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits The Process 1.Pick your country. List of all countries 2.Research your country. Find out about the currency exchange, historical events, places to visit, and cultural aspects (food, language, & customs). You can use any of the listed websites or find your own, check with your teacher to make sure they are reliable sources. Record this information in your research journal. CIA World Fact Book Infoplease Yahoo! Kids Currency Converter 3.Plan how you will get there. Expedia Orbitz Carnival Cruises 4.Plan where you will stay once you get there. Travelocity
Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Process (Cont.) 5.Visit your country! You will be there for 14 days. 6.Journal the places you visit in your travel log. Write about where you visited. Explain your reactions to these sites and give a brief description about what you did while you were there. Include one entry per day. 7.Create a scrapbook. Include pictures and captions explaining the pictures of your trip (minimum of 14 pictures is required). You can find these pictures on the websites you used previously, or find them somewhere else online. 8.Share how your trip was with the class. You will read a few journal entries and present your scrapbook with your classmates.
Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Evaluation Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 Scor e Research Journal Shows exceptional research skills by providing detailed information regarding the chosen country. Shows adequate research skills by providing basic information regarding the chosen country. Shows basic research skills by providing some basic information regarding the country. Shows minimal research skills by providing little or no information regarding the country. Travel Log Fourteen entries providing detailed descriptions of daily activities, as well as reactions to these sites. At least twelve entries or entries providing detailed descriptions of daily activities, as well as reactions to these sites. At least ten entries or entries providing somewhat detailed descriptions of daily activities, as well as reactions to these sites. Less than ten entries or entries providing poor descriptions of daily activities, as well as reactions to these sites. Scrapbook Contains accurate descriptions within captions and at least fourteen pictures. The scrapbook is neat, organized, and decorative. Contains fairly accurate descriptions within captions and at least twelve pictures. The scrapbook is neat, organized, and decorative. Contains some inaccurate descriptions within captions and at least ten pictures. The scrapbook is neat, organized, and lacks decoration. Contains mostly inaccurate descriptions within captions and less than ten pictures. The scrapbook is poorly completed. more
Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Evaluation (continued) Class Presentation Shows exceptional knowledge of country and presents it in a clear and well spoken manner. Shows adequate knowledge of country and presents it in a sufficient manner. Shows basic knowledge of country and presents it in an inadequate manner. Shows little or no knowledge of country and presents it in a poor fashion. Overall Appearance of Complete Project All information is present and completed. There are few or no grammatical errors. Everything is presented in a clear, well- organized way. Most information is present and completed. There are minor grammatical errors. Most information is presented in a clear, well- organized way. Some information is present and completed. There are many grammatical errors. Information is presented in an unorganized and confusing way. Little or no information is present and completed. There are many grammatical errors. Information is difficult to understand or not present. back Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 Score
Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Student Page Top Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Credits Conclusion Welcome Back! We hope your trip was filled with adventure and knowledge. Hopefully you have learned a lot about the country you chose. If you ever get the chance to visit your country, you will be an expert. If you decide you want to know more about places around the world, visit these sites: National Geographic Kids’ Government
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Discover The World A WebQuest for 5th Grade (Social Studies) Designed By Lauren Verno Christina Borelli Risha Duttry
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Introduction This lesson was developed in order to allow children to explore different places and cultures around the world. “Discover the World” hits on many skill areas such as geography, history, social studies, art, technology, and research.
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Learners This lesson is intended for a fifth grade social studies class. It covers areas such as geography and cultural studies. However, this could easily be adapted for both lower and higher grades. For instance, the amount of countries researched could be increased or decreased depending on grade level. Additionally, more research topics could be added or subtracted from the lesson. Since the lesson covers many skill areas, it could be easily used in multiple subject areas. The students will need to know how to use the internet, as well as how to record research information in a succinct and clear manner. Also, they will need to know how to keep a journal or log.
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Curriculum Standards NETS*S 1. Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression. 3. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: a. plan strategies to guide inquiry. b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. d. process data and report results. 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students: a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation. b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. 6. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: a.understand and use technology systems. more
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits back Curriculum Standards (continued) Pennsylvania State Standards Geography A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions A: Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria: Population, Culture, and Economic activities. Arts and Humanities E: Know and demonstrate how arts can communicate experiences, stories or emotions through the production of works in the arts. Writing A: Write with a clear focus, identifying topic, task, and audience. Research C: Produce an organized product that presents findings, draws reasonable conclusions, and gives proper credit to sources. Speaking and Listening B: Demonstrate awareness of audience using appropriate volume and clarity in formal speaking presentations.
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Process 1.Pick your country. (Student can choose any country, but remind them that they have to be able to find an abundance of information on that country.) List of all countries 2.Research your country. Find out about the currency exchange, historical events, places to visit, and cultural aspects (food, language, & customs). You can use any of the listed websites or find your own, check with your teacher to make sure they are reliable sources. Record this information in your research journal. (Research journals provided by teacher.) CIA World Fact Book Infoplease Yahoo! Kids Currency Converter 3.Plan how you will get there. (Students can choose to get there by plane, boat, or any other realistic form of transportation. Students should record costs in their journals.) Expedia Orbitz Carnival Cruises 4.Plan where you will stay once you get there. (Student will choose hotel or other form of lodging. They should record costs in their journals.) Travelocity
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Process 5.Visit your country! You will be there for 14 days. (Tell students they will be there for fourteen days so they must visit/journal fourteen places/events.) 6.Journal the places you visit in your travel log. Write about where you visited. Explain your reactions to these sites and give a brief description about what you did while you were there. Include one entry per day. (Provide students with their travel logs.) 7.Create a scrapbook. Include pictures and captions explaining the pictures of your trip (minimum of 14 pictures is required). You can find these pictures on the websites you used previously, or find them somewhere else online. (Provide students with scrapbooking materials.) 8.Share how your trip was with the class. You will read a few journal entries and present your scrapbook with your classmates. (The presentation will be informal. Tell students they are allowed to bring an item related to their country’s culture or dress in the proper attire for that country.)
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Process (Cont.) The lesson will be conducted for approximately two weeks during the allotted Social Studies time. This project is multidisciplinary because there are multiple subject areas covered. Students will complete this lesson individually. We would recommend this lesson for a more experienced teacher that is used to a student-centered classroom. Also, novice teachers might have difficulty with behavior management during this lesson since students would be on their own and working on different stages of the project. Variations If a teacher would rather have students collaborate, this could easily be transformed into a group project. Additionally, there could be different ways of presenting the information at the end of the lesson. If the teacher wanted a more teacher-centered lesson, then he/she could assign the entire class a country and ask each student to research a particular aspect.
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Resources Needed Describe what's needed to implement this lesson. Some of the possibilities: Blank Travel Logs Blank Research Journals Pencils Computers with Access to the Internet Printer Scissors Construction Paper Markers Glue Ribbon (tying scrapbooks together) Stickers Cardstock Paper Websites: Yahoo! Kids (This site can be used to find general information regarding the student’s chosen countries.)Yahoo! Kids Currency Converter (This site can be utilized when converting American dollars to foreign currencies.)Currency Converter Travelocity (This site can be used in order to find lodging.)Travelocity Expedia (This site can be used to search for flights.)Expedia The primary teacher would be sufficient for the completion of this project. However, it would be helpful if classroom aides/parents were there in order to help with simple research and internet questions. Other than that, students should be able to complete the majority of the tasks independently or with minimal assistance.
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Evaluation Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 Score Research Journal Shows exceptional research skills by providing detailed information regarding the chosen country. Shows adequate research skills by providing basic information regarding the chosen country. Shows basic research skills by providing some basic information regarding the country. Shows minimal research skills by providing little or no information regarding the country. Travel Log Fourteen entries providing detailed descriptions of daily activities, as well as reactions to these sites. At least twelve entries or entries providing detailed descriptions of daily activities, as well as reactions to these sites. At least ten entries or entries providing somewhat detailed descriptions of daily activities, as well as reactions to these sites. Less than ten entries or entries providing poor descriptions of daily activities, as well as reactions to these sites. Scrapbook Contains accurate descriptions within captions and at least fourteen pictures. The scrapbook is neat, organized, and decorative. Contains fairly accurate descriptions within captions and at least twelve pictures. The scrapbook is neat, organized, and decorative. Contains some inaccurate descriptions within captions and at least ten pictures. The scrapbook is neat, organized, and lacks decoration. Contains mostly inaccurate descriptions within captions and less than ten pictures. The scrapbook is poorly completed. more
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Evaluation (continued) Class Presentation Shows exceptional knowledge of country and presents it in a clear and well spoken manner. Shows adequate knowledge of country and presents it in a sufficient manner. Shows basic knowledge of country and presents it in an inadequate manner. Shows little or no knowledge of country and presents it in a poor fashion. Overall Appearance of Complete Project All information is present and completed. There are few or no grammatical errors. Everything is presented in a clear, well- organized way. Most information is present and completed. There are minor grammatical errors. Most information is presented in a clear, well- organized way. Some information is present and completed. There are many grammatical errors. Information is presented in an unorganized and confusing way. Little or no information is present and completed. There are many grammatical errors. Information is difficult to understand or not present. back Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 Score
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Conclusion “Discover the World” is not only a fun and engaging lesson, but it encompasses many subject and skill areas. Students are given a chance to explore the world through technology, and present this information in an artistic way. This project provides students with valuable information about the world around them. Students will remember this experience and hopefully apply it to their future cultural research.
Teacher Page Top Introduction Learner Standards Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Student page Credits Credits & References PA Standards Nets*s Standards CIA World Fact Book Infoplease Yahoo! Kids Currency Converter List of all countries Expedia Orbitz Carnival Cruises Travelocity National Geographic Kids’ Government