Baltimore Polytechnic Institute March 21, 2012 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green
Focus Questions-Chapter 33 Due Today
Objectives: Describe Franklin Roosevelt’s early isolationist policies, and explain their political and economic effects. Explain how American isolationism dominated U.S. policy in the mid-1930s. AP Focus The U.S. withdrawal from the London Economic Conference illustrates FDR’s determination not to associate his New Deal (inflationary) agenda with an international attempt to combat the effects of global depression by stabilizing international currencies.
CHAPTER THEMES In the early and mid-1930s, the United States attempted to isolate itself from foreign involvements and wars. But by the end of the decade, the spread of totalitarianism and war in Europe forced Roosevelt to provide more and more assistance to desperate Britain, despite strong isolationist opposition.
1. The use of government spending and fiscal policy to “prime the pump” is known as this type of economic system. 2. This barred federal administrative officials for active political campaigning and soliciting. 3. This damaged FDR’s reputation and hurt him in the 1938 mid-term elections. 4. The National Labor Relations Board was created by this act of Congress in The small group of reform-minded intellectuals that FDR used where known as this.
London Conference of 1933 FDR did not want the dollar tied to other currencies Tydings-McDuffie Act 1934 U.S. would free themselves from the Philippines instead of freeing the Philippines gave Philippines economic terms to follow FDR recognized Soviet Union 1934 “Good Neighbor”-Great Depression helped bring this about possible help to defend the Western Hemisphere Last marine left Haiti in 1934 Cuba released from Platt Amendments Mexico oil-settlement instead of intervention
Stimson Doctrine (1932) U.S. would not recognize any territorial acquisitions achieved by forced in response to Japan’s invasion of Manchuria Nye Committee Reports bankers/arms manufacturers caused WWI??? Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937 when the President proclaimed the existence of a foreign war, certain restrictions would go into effect ended traditional freedom of the seas Ethiopia Spanish Civil War ( ) 3000 Americans-Abraham Lincoln Brigade Franco receives help from Mussolini/Hitler Stalin aids the Loyalists Will receive no support from U.S. Quarantine Speech-given in fall of 1937
Cash and Carry Neutrality Act of 1939 Draft September 6, 1940 Lend-Lease (1776)-March 1941 An Act Further to Promote the Defense of the U.S. Was to keep the U.S. out of war “send guns, not sons” “arsenal of democracy” Atlantic Charter August 1941
May 21, 1941 the Robin Moor torpedoed in the South Atlantic, outside a war zone FDR decided to convoy in July 1941 to Iceland September 1941-Greer attacked shoot on sight policy October 17, 1941 Kearny lost 11 men October 31, 1941 Reuben James went to the bottom-over 100 lost their lives Neutrality Act of 1939 pulled Merchant ships would now be armed
1. We will complete the 1930’s decade chart and begin the 2 nd New Deal Chart, if we have time.
Read Chapter 34 Prepare for 5 question reading check on Wednesday Decades Chart 1930’s due on Friday.