Chapter 2 Signals & Systems Review Marc Moonen & Toon van Waterschoot Dept. E.E./ESAT, K.U.Leuven
Signals & Systems Review Discrete-Time/Digital Signals (10 slides) sampling, quantization, reconstruction Discrete-Time Systems (15 slides) LTI, impulse response, convolution, z-transform, frequency response, frequency spectrum, IIR/FIR Discrete/Fast Fourier Transform (5 slides) DFT-IDFT, FFT 2
Introduction: Digital Signal Processing? Signal = a physical quantity (e.g. voltage/current, intensity/grey-level,...) that varies as a function of some independent variable(s), (e.g. time, horizontal/vertical position, …) 1-dimensional: speech signal, audio signal, electromagnetic/radio signal, … 2-dimensional: image, … N-dimensional Processing = `filtering’ (mostly) = noise reduction, equalization, signal separation, … Digital = …in `digital domain’ here 3
Introduction: Digital Signal Processing? Analog signal processing Analog Domain (Continuous-Time Domain) Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) Analog Signal Processing Circuit Analog IN Analog OUT (=Spectrum/Fourier Transform) 4
Introduction: Digital Signal Processing? Digital signal processing in an analog world Analog domain Digital domain Analog-to- Digital Conversion Digital-to- Analog Conversion 0110100101 1001100010 DSP Analog IN Digital IN Digital OUT Analog OUT 5
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 1/10 Analog-to- Digital Conversion Digital-to- Analog Conversion 0110100101 1001100010 DSP Analog IN Digital IN Digital OUT Analog OUT sampling reconstruction & quantization 6
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 2/10 : Sampling Time-domain sampling amplitude amplitude discrete-time [k] continuous-time signal discrete-time signal impulse train continuous-time (t) 0 1 2 3 4 It will turn out (page 27) that a spectrum can be computed from x[k], which (remarkably) will be equal to the spectrum (Fourier transform) of the (continuous-time) sequence of impulses = 7
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 3/10 : Sampling So what does this spectrum of x_D(t) look like… Spectrum replication time domain: frequency domain: magnitude magnitude frequency (f) frequency (f) 8
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 4/10 : Sampling Sampling theorem analog signal spectrum X(f) has a bandwidth of fmax Hz spectrum replicas are separated by fs =1/Ts Hz no spectral overlap if and only if magnitude frequency 9
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 5/10 : Sampling Sampling theorem terminology: sampling frequency/rate fs Nyquist frequency fs/2 sampling interval/period Ts e.g. CD audio: fs = 44,1 kHz Harry Nyquist (1889 –1976) Anti-aliasing prefilters if then frequencies above the Nyquist frequency are ‘folded’ into lower frequencies (=aliasing) to avoid aliasing, sampling is usually preceded by (analog-domain) low-pass (=anti-aliasing) filtering 10
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 6/10 : Quantization B-bit quantization quantized discrete-time signal =discrete-amplitude/time signal =digital signal discrete-time signal amplitude discrete time [k] amplitude discrete time [k] Q 2Q 3Q -Q -2Q -3Q R 11
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 7/10 : Quantization B-bit quantization: the quantization error can only take on values between and hence can be considered as a random noise signal (see below) with range the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the B-bit quantizer can then be defined as the ratio of the signal range and the quantization noise range : e.g. CD audio: 16bits -> 96dB SNR (LP’s: 60dB SNR) 6dB per bit rule 12
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 8/10 : Reconstruction Reconstructor = ‘fill the gaps’ between adjacent samples e.g. staircase reconstructor (see also next page) : amplitude discrete time [k] amplitude continuous time (t) discrete-time/digital signal reconstructed analog signal 13
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 9/10 : Reconstruction x_D(t) is generated first as an intermediate signal (after D-to-A & sampler), which is then followed by (analog domain) filtering Ideal reconstructor = ideal (rectangular) low-pass filter no distortion magnitude frequency (f) magnitude frequency (f) Staircase reconstructor = D-to-A followed by `sample&hold’ `hold’ corresponds to sinc-like low-pass filter with sidelobes distortion due to spurious high frequencies 14
Discrete-Time/Digital Signals 10/10 : Reconstruction Anti-image post-filter low-pass (analog domain) filter succeeds reconstructor, to remove spurious high frequency components due to non-ideal reconstruction Complete scheme is… Digital OUT Analog IN DSP Digital IN sampler quantizer anti-aliasing prefilter anti-image postfilter reconstructor Analog OUT 15
Discrete-Time Systems 1/15 Discrete-time (DT) system is `sampled data’ system Input signal u[k] is a sequence of samples (=numbers) ..,u[-2],u[-1] ,u[0], u[1],u[2],… System then produces a sequence of output samples y[k] ..,y[-2],y[-1] ,y[0], y[1],y[2],… Example: `DSP’ block in previous slide u[k] y[k]
Discrete-Time Systems 2/15 Will consider linear time-invariant (LTI) DT systems Linear : input u1[k] -> output y1[k] input u2[k] -> output y2[k] hence a.u1[k]+b.u2[k]-> a.y1[k]+b.y2[k] Time-invariant (shift-invariant) input u[k] -> output y[k], hence input u[k-T] -> output y[k-T] u[k] y[k]
Discrete-Time Systems 3/15 Causal systems iff for all input signals with u[k]=0,k<0 -> output y[k]=0,k<0 Impulse response input …,0,0, 1 ,0,0,0,...-> output …,0,0, h[0] ,h[1],h[2],h[3],... General input u[0],u[1],u[2],u[3] (cfr. linearity & shift-invariance!) this is called a `Toeplitz’ matrix
Discrete-Time Systems 4/15 Convolution u[0],u[1],u[2],u[3] y[0],y[1],... h[0],h[1],h[2],0,0,... = `convolution sum’
Discrete-Time Systems 5/15 Z-Transform of system h[k] and signals u[k],y[k] H(z) is `transfer function’
Discrete-Time Systems 6/15 Z-Transform easy input-output relation: may be viewed as `shorthand’ notation (for convolution operation/Toeplitz-vector product) stability =bounded input u[k] leads to bounded output y[k] --iff --iff poles of H(z) inside the unit circle (now z=complex variable) (for causal,rational systems, see below)
Discrete-Time Systems 7/15 Example-1 : `Delay operator’ Impulse response is …,0,0 ,0, 1,0,0,0,… Transfer function is Pole at z=0 Example-2 : Delay + feedback Impulse response is …,0,0 ,0, 1,a,a^2,a^3… Pole at z=a u[k] y[k]=u[k-1] x + a u[k] y[k]
Discrete-Time Systems 8/15 Will consider only rational transfer functions: In general, these represent `infinitely long impulse response’ (`IIR’) systems N poles (zeros of A(z)) , N zeros (zeros of B(z)) corresponds to difference equation Hence rational H(z) can be realized with finite number of delay elements, multipliers and adders
Discrete-Time Systems 9/15 Special case is N poles at the origin z=0 (hence guaranteed stability) N zeros (zeros of B(z)) = `all zero’ filters corresponds to difference equation =`moving average’ (MA) filters impulse response is = `finite impulse response’ (`FIR’) filters
Discrete-Time Systems 10/15 u[0]=1 u[2] u[1] Im H(z) & frequency response: given a system H(z) given an input signal = complex sinusoid output signal : = `frequency response’ = complex function of radial frequency ω = H(z) evaluated on the unit circle Re Im Re
Discrete-Time Systems 11/15 H(z) & frequency response: periodic : period = for a real impulse response h[k] Magnitude response is even function Phase response is odd function example (`low pass filter’): Nyquist frequency (=2 samples/period)
Discrete-Time Systems 12/15 Z-transform & Fourier transform the frequency response of an LTI system is equal to the Fourier transform of the continuous-time impulse sequence (see p.7) constructed with h[k] : similarly, the frequency spectrum of a discrete-time signal (=z-transform evaluated at the unit circle) is equal to the Fourier transform of the continuous-time impulse sequence constructed with u[k], y[k] : Input/output relation: (from page 20)
Discrete-Time Systems 13/15 Example: All-pass filter a (unity-gain) all-pass filter is a filter that passes all input signal frequencies without gain or attenuation hence a (unity-gain) all-pass filter preserves signal energy an all-pass filter may have any phase response
Discrete-Time Systems 14/15 Example: Biquadratic (=2nd order) all-pass filter it can be shown that for the unity-gain constraint to hold, the denominator coefficients must equal the numerator coefficients in reverse order, i.e., the poles and zeros are then related as follows
Discrete-Time Systems 15/15 PS: So far have only considered single-input/single-output (SISO) systems Similar equations for multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) systems Example : 2-inputs, 3 outputs
Discrete/Fast Fourier Transform 1/5 DFT definition: the frequency spectrum/response of a discrete-time signal/system x[k] is a (periodic) continuous function of the radial frequency ω The `Discrete Fourier Transform’ (DFT) is a discretized version of this, obtained by sampling ω at N uniformly spaced frequencies (n=0,1,..,N-1) and by truncating x[k] to N samples (k=0,1,..,N-1) = DFT
Discrete/Fast Fourier Transform 2/5 DFT & Inverse DFT (IDFT): an -point DFT can be calculated from an -point time sequence: vice versa, an -point time sequence can be calculated from an -point DFT: = DFT = IDFT
Discrete/Fast Fourier Transform 3/5 DFT/IDFT in matrix form Using shorthand notation.. ..the DFT can be rewritten as an -point DFT requires complex multiplications
Discrete/Fast Fourier Transform 4/5 DFT/IDFT in matrix form Using shorthand notation.. ..the IDFT can be rewritten as an -point IDFT requires complex multiplications
Discrete/Fast Fourier Transform 5/5 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) (1805/1965) divide-and-conquer approach: split up N-point DFT in two N/2-point DFT’s split up two N/2-point DFT’s in four N/4-point DFT’s … split up N/2 2-point DFT’s in N 1-point DFT’s calculate N 1-point DFT’s rebuild N/2 2-point DFT’s from N 1-point DFT’s rebuild two N/2-point DFT’s from four N/4-point DFT’s rebuild N-point DFT from two N/2-point DFT’s DFT complexity of multiplications is reduced to FFT complexity of multiplications James W. Cooley Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855 John W.Tukey
Need more? Introductory books Online books S. J. Orfanidis, “Introduction to Signal Processing”, Prentice-Hall Signal Processing Series, 798 p., 1996 J. H. McClellan, R. W. Schafer, and M. A. Yoder, “DSP First: A Multimedia Approach”, Prentice-Hall, 1998 P. S. R. Diniz, E. A. B. da Silva and S. L. Netto, “Digital Signal Processing: System Analysis and Design”, Cambridge University Press, 612 p., 2002 Online books Smith, J.O. Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT),, 2003, ISBN 0-9745607-0-7. Smith, J.O. Introduction to Digital Filters, August 2006 Edition,