business thatFood industry is a complex, global collective of diverse business that together supply much of the food energy consumed by the world population.
The world’s largest fast food chain of fast food restaurant sells hamburgers, chicken nuggets, salads, break feast Chemically test there French fries and make you want them more. 64 million customers daily in 119 countries
August 2006–February 2007: Salmonella-tainted peanut butter from the Peter Pan and Great Value brands sickened hundreds of people in 44 states. November–December: 71 people became sick with E. coli after eating at Taco Bell restaurants in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. September–October: Prewashed, bagged spinach from Dole was contaminated with E. coli. At least 205 consumers fell ill; three died.
The Top 5 Fast Food Restaurants in America 1. McDonalds 2. Burger King 3. Subway 4. Taco Bell 5. Wendy's
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