Welcome to Curriculum Night
A Day in Paradise Curriculum Information Homework in Fifth Grade Parent/Teacher Communication
70 minutes daily with small group instruction Math notebooks are used for problem solving Homework twice a week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Curriculum Based Assessments given at the end of a cluster unit and will be graded.
Reading Instruction * At Purefoy, we follow the Lucy Calkins Reading Workshop model. *Reading Workshop includes a mini lesson, teacher modeled text and students given large chunks of time to read and practice the new strategy in their self chosen novel, at their reading level. Students will be using the same novel at school and home. They also meet with partners and groups through out the lessons.
Reading Homework Students are assigned 60 minutes of reading at home each week. The minutes will be recorded in their Green Reading folder they take home each night.
Writing Writing instruction will be taught primarily through the writing process and the Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop. The following six traits will be integrated into the writing process to enhance their writing skills: IDEAS ORGANIZATION VOICE WORD CHOICE SENTENCE FLUENCY CONVENTIONS
Spelling Spelling instruction will be ongoing, and purposeful. Pretests will be given for each unit on the first day of the week. They will be graded and returned the next day or sooner. The students will receive a spelling list the first day of the week that they will use to study for the spelling text and use for Thursday night’s homework. The student missing only 1 or less on the pretest will study the Bonus Word list, which consists of 5 words. They will also use this list for their weekly homework. Students missing 2 or more on the pretest will study the regular list, consisting of 12 words. They will also use this list for their weekly homework assignment. As previously mentioned, a short homework assignment will be given every Thursday night to be completed and returned on Friday.
Social Studies Our social studies theme this year will be learning all about American History. Your child will gain an understanding of map skills as well as the history of settlement into the United States. Additionally, we will study influential leaders who have impacted our lives.
Grade Five Science Objective 1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science. Safe Practices/Tools and Equipment used in Science Scientific Process for an investigation Predict or infer from an experiment Sun/Earth/Moon Objective 2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the life sciences. Cycles in ecosystems Plants/Animals- interdependence Objective 3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the physical sciences. Forces States of matter Forms of Energy
Objective 4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the earth sciences. Weather/Oceans/Atmosphere/Soil Assignment Expectations Assignments will be given out on Monday’s and will be due that week on Thursday’s. Time will be made available during class time but students may take home to complete. Curriculum Based Assessments given at the end of a cluster unit and will be graded
Parent Informational Meeting October 19 th - October 21nd Please join us for a brief Parent Informational Meeting on September 15th from 5:30-6:30 in the library. On Friday, September 16 th your student will be bringing home a packet of information regarding the Camp Jolt Outdoor Educational Camp. Have you heard about Camp Jolt?
CHAPERONE INFORMATION If you’re interested in being a camp chaperone, please Ms. McFarland by Thursday, September 22 nd. You will need to complete a background check which can be done through the Frisco ISD website. Adult chaperones will reside with the students during the night, assist them in morning and bedtime preparations, and provide supervision during other non-instructional times. Chaperones are chosen at random. Student cabin assignments are determined randomly, however, chaperones will be placed with their own child providing they are of the same sex. Teachers will notify parents if they have been chosen by Friday, September 23 rd. If chosen, a chaperone meeting will be held on Monday, October 17 th at 6:00 pm in the library. Chaperones are responsible for paying tuition for their child and themselves.
STAAR Test Dates Math- Monday, March 26 th Reading- Tuesday, March 27th Science- Wednesday, April 26 th
What is it? State Test to enhance Rigor for students & get them “College Ready” Timed Test (4 hours) – Just like SAT/ACT Assesses previous grade level objectives to current grade (K-5 th ) Reading- emphasizes critical analysis & less literal understanding Math- Problem solving skills Science- Earth Science; Force & Energy; Environment & Organisms No School ratings this year; standards set Fall 2012 FISD Google Site: FAQ, Overview, Updated periodically by FISD STAAR Testing – 5 th
Reporting an Absence The law states absence notes cannot be entered into the system after 3 days of the last absence. Phone calls to the office do not excuse the absence … it must be in writing. Please contact Mrs. Yarbrough if you have any questions!