Earth Science Mr. Kraske
Expectations Respect others and their property. (Sit on chairs not tables, phones / ipods put away) Do not interfere with my right to teach or your right to learn. (talking, playing with toys, making noises, etc.) Do not throw anything! Be prepared for class. (In seat, phones / earbuds put away, on time with materials) Be appropriate. Do your work.
Consequences Fix the problem when asked. Removal from the area, discussion with me. Parent contact (think sheet, phone call, ) Minor referral (Phones: 1 warning then I take the phone until the end of the hour. If it is still a problem, next time it goes to the office.)
Tardy Policy (Starts fresh each quarter) You must be in your seat ready to begin class when the bell rings. Skyward calls home every time you are marked tardy. After 3, parents are notified and you will have to stay after class to discuss ways to solve the problem. Minors will be written for each tardy after 3.
Bathroom / Drinks / Passes You must ask before class or after instruction has ended. One person is permitted to leave the room at a time. No passes during the first or last 10 minutes. You must fill out your passport in your planner then have me sign it when you get permission. You must have the laminated pass and your planner to leave. Abuse of hallway privileges will result in the removal of these privileges.
Materials (Daily) One notebook for science only. One folder for science Your planner Writing utensil
Occasional Materials Markers or colored pencils Calculator USB flash drive
Disaster / Lockdown Drills
Absences It is your responsibility to find out what you missed when you were absent. Bring your admit (yellow slip) to me at the beginning of class and pick it up before you leave. Always check my web page and ask a classmate for more detailed instructions.
Grading Most of your grade in my class will be based on quiz and test scores!!!!!
Assignments / Grades Assignments are graded on a 0-4 scale. 0 = not turned in, 1 = in but incomplete 2 = in but with mistakes, 3 = meets all requirements, 4 = exceeds all requirements Assignments are recorded but are not factored into your grade.
Quizzes & Tests Quizzes and tests can be retaken after all related assignments are handed in and recorded. Quizzes are usually 5 questions and are given to see if you understand the topic. Tests make up the bulk of your grade.
Dismissal Clean up your area / lab, return to your seat Wait for me to dismiss you Do not line up at the door