Welcome to Science Mrs. Leary - Team 7-2 Room 606
Welcome! Mrs. Laurie Leary –BA Middle School Education: Maryville University –Masters of Education University of Las Vegas, Nevada –Teaching Experience: 6 th, 8 th Grade Science – Las Vegas, NV –Professional Development Instructor for Nationwide College Bound Program (AVID)
I enjoy traveling with my family! I have one child – Owen
Five Science Strands will be taught: Scientific Inquiry – asking and exploring student questions Matter & Energy – light, sound, magnetism, electricity Living Systems – cells, DNA, heredity, reproduction Universe – predictable patterns of celestial bodies Technology – tool to support and give evidence of learning
What your child needs daily … Interactive Science Notebook (IAN) Pen or pencil Glue stick A positive attitude Optional: –Markers, crayons, colored pencils
Class Expectations: Follow Colt’s Code –Participate –Homework –Ask Questions
InterActive Science Notebook (IAN) –“Notebooking” like scientists –Record all class data, labs, questions, quizes, tests –EVERYTHING for class will be either written or glued into IAN –Teaches organization (Table of Contents) –Supports all learning styles –Cornell Notes – most effective method for recalling information; built in study guide
Homework: Adult Input Page Starting next week: Students will need to teach an adult a concept learned from the week. Adult writes a sentence about what was taught - please not just one word. Due the last school day of the week – usually Friday 10 points per week.
GRADES Grade categories are weighted: Homework 20% Classwork 30% Projects 30% Test/Quiz 20%
Infinite Campus & Grades You can access the gradebook and see what assignments have been given, the assigned date, the due date the score. –Grades will be entered for assignments within one week of the due date – with the exception of large projects. –Codes: M = Missing, student here but didn’t turn in work A = Absent, work is expected to be made up E = Excused
mepages/home.cfm?userid=lleary Class information, expectations, table of contents are all posted on my webpage! I’m looking forward to a great year!